Without Granting Innocence

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Castiel ran out the bunker, wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his trench coat. He didn't see where he was going, what was the point? He didn't have anywhere to go except the bunker and there was no way Castiel was living under the same roof as Dean Winchester. How could someone do that to his own best friend? He thought. If he didn't love me, he could've just said it. He didn't need to use me and just leave. 

For Castiel, that kiss wasn't just a physical contact for it had given him hope. The only hope he didn't appreciate having. He knew he could never have Dean but his stubborn heart still had hope. His bare feet were sore from all the running when he tripped over a stone and fell face first on the ground. He immediately got up and burst into tears, he didn't calm down but looked around to figure out where he was. He wiped his eyes and found himself in a dark alley, the sun was still up but none of the sunlight seemed to come in the alley. He looked around, scared and worried. He was afraid of the dark, he didn't want to think about it but he wanted Dean to be with him right now.


Gabriel and Sam didn't have time to run after Cas as Dean got out his knife and was about to cut his nerves when Gabe grabbed his wrist and threw the knife across the room. Dean couldn't hold back his tears when Sam came in. Sam cautiously hugged Dean. But what worried Sam the most was when Dean hugged Sam back tightly, sobbing. 

"Where did I go wrong Sammy? What did I do to deserve this?" He looked up at his brother. "Why did it have to be him?" Dean kept asking, tears falling incessantly. 

"Dean calm down... It's okay." Sam soothed him as Gabe rubbed his back.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN?! HOW?! I LOST HIM SAMMY!" Dean started yelling, his eyes puffed red.


Cas soon wiped his eyes and ran back from where he came, trying to reach the light when he two men leaning against a wall, smoking. He stopped in front of them, "E-excuse me? C-can you please tell me where I am?" He asked them. 

One those guys dropped his cigarette and put it out, turning to look at Castiel. He looked him up and down, watching every inch closely as a smirk formed his lips. He elbowed the other guy and they both stood in front of him. Castiel didn't know what was going on, but it couldn't be any good. He backed up a bit, slightly shaking. "Feeling cold, dear?" The other man said with the cigarette still in his mouth. Castiel flinched a bit as they approached him.

But he was sure none of them had any good intentions when one of the men grabbed Cas's arms and pulled him closer. Gabriel, brother, please help! Cas prayed as he tried to break free but had no luck. The man kissed Castiel hard on the lips, biting his lower lip hard making it bleed when bright light shone and both the men fell on the ground. Their eyes were burnt out. Castiel was shaking but when he looked up and saw his brother he burst into tears and loud sobs as he hugged Gabriel tightly. 

Gabriel was grateful he had come in time, he just wrapped his arms around his brother and gently rubbed his back. He healed Cas's lip. "It's okay Cassie.. You're safe now... Let's just go back okay?" Gabe tried to calm Cas down when Cas pulled back, wiping his eyes and nose with his sleeves. He nodded, still sniffling a bit. 

Though he didn't want to face Dean after remembering what he had done, there really was nowhere else he wanted to be at. Gabe gently held Cas's hand and zapped back to the bunker, making sure they were in Cas's room.

"Let's get you coat off." Gabe said as he helped Cas take of the trench coat and kept it aside for laundry.

Gabriel led Cas to his bed and deliberately laid him down. He reached the drawer and grabbed some sleeping pills. "Here, take these." Gabe gave Cas two of them with a glass of water. Cas took them without any argument and turned to face the other side. Gabe sighed and sat on the bed as he slipped his fingers into Cas's hair and watched him fall asleep.

Once he made sure Castiel was asleep, he got up and went out the room closing the door behind and walking over to Dean's room. He saw Sam get out and closing the door to Dean's room and hugged him slowly. "I can't see him like this Samberg..." Gabe mumbled as he buried his head into Sam's chest.

Sam hugged Gabe back, "Me neither Gabe.. Me neither." 

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