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"Do you need anything else, Dean?" Cas asked once Dean was settled on his bed. Dean had told them what now seemed a million times that he was okay and it was just a minor wound given the number of times had died and came back to life but not Cas and nor did Sam agree to it and repeated the doctor's instructions of bed rest for a couple of days.

"What could I possibly need more?" Dean asked, frowning.  Cas had turned Dean's room into a supermarket, there were tissue boxes, fruits, crackers, juice, beer and all the stuff that Dean probably wouldn't even use.

"Look what I got for our princess!" Gabriel announced as he entered the room with a portable camping toilet in his hands. Dean sighed and put his head back down on the pillow. 

"Thank you, brother. That's very considerate of you." Castiel smiled as he took the toilet from Gabe and turned to Dean. "Should I put it next to your bed, Dean?" he asked.

"What?" Dean looked at Cas again. "No! I think I'm okay enough to walk to the bathroo-" Dean stopped in between as a certain odor crossed his olfactories. His head shot towards Gabriel. "Does it have actual shit in it?" he asked, wishing for a no but knew it was a yes. 

Gabe shrugged and grinned. "Maybe." 

Castiel immediately put it down and looked at his brother with disgust. Dean was about to start yelling when Sam came in, "Um... is that a toilet?" he asked.

"With actual shit in it!" Dean yelled, covering his nose.

"Aw.. Deany don't like poopy?" Gabe mocked a puppy face.

Sam sighed. "Did you steal it from someone's camp, Gabe?" 

Gabriel grinned and shrugged again, "Maybe."

"Oh GOD!" Dean covered his face with his hands. 

"Stealing is not good, brother." Cas said seriously.

"And THAT'S what  bothers you?!" Dean said and got up from his bed. "I'm so done." Dean said and exited the room. He went straight to the kitchen nd opened the fridge, "Sammeh! You forgot the pie again!" Dean yelled, both vexed and outraged.

Sam came into the kitchen, "No, I didn't get anything. The store was closed, I'll have to go to the one on the other side." he said.

Gabriel came running, "Can I go too?" he asked, giving his best puppy eyes.

Sam shrugged, "Uh yeah, sure." he said.

"Me too, I have to buy some stuff." Dean joined in.

"Cas?" Sam looked at Cas. Cas smiled brightly and nodded his head. "Okay so, everyone in the car!" Sam shouted and Dean smacked the back of his head.

"Not the boss, Sammy." he grinned and went to his room to change.


"What the fuck is that?" Dean asked, looking at Cas who was waiting by the car outside. Castiel wore a yellow shirt which had bees printed on it.

He smiled and showed it to him, "Gabriel got it for me." he told him.

Dean looked at the grinning Gabriel and sighed, "Of course he did." he said and then turned to Sam. "The keys." he said, holding out his hand to him.

"Um, the doctor said you probably shouldn't drive for a few days." Sam said.
"Oh come on! That's Complete B.S. Sam." Dean said.

"He's right, Dean. You shouldn't drive." Cas said. "Please?" he insisted and Dean just couldn't say no. He sighed and nodded.

"Dibs on shotgun!" Gabe yelled at jumped in the front seat.

"Hey that's not-" Dean started yelling but soon realized it'd mean he'll be sitting with Cas in the back seat. "Fine." he said and got in the back seat of the Impala with Cas. Sam narrowed his eyes at Dean as he got in the driver's seat and started driving.

Since nobody wanted to start another brawl, Sam put on the usual music Dean played. Gabe had his head stuck out of the window despite the numerous times Sam told him to sit back right. Dean's hand was on Cas's and Cas didn't dare move his hand away. They both were smiling happily.

When they reached the store, Sam parked the car and Gabe got out first. He started running and ran into the door, causing him to fall on his butt. He held his nose, pouting as Sam and Dean laughed while Cas ran towards him to help Gabe. "Who puts a fucking invisible door at the entrance?!" He yelled.

"It's a glass door, Gabe." Sam chuckled and opened it for him. Gabe got in before Sam, muttering something in Enochian.

Cas was struggling with taking out a shopping cart. He tried pulling it out harder by it didn't work. Dean smiled and took it out for him, "Thank you, Dean." Cas said and got in the store, pushing the cart along until he saw a fish tank in the pet section from afar and ran towards it. "Dean!" He shouted and Dean followed him, confused.

Cas had his face stuck to the tank, watching the fish with awe. Dean sighed, "We don't need fish, Cas. Lets just go." he said.

"But they're so beautiful!" Cas said and looked at Dean, "Please Dean?" he asked.

"No Cas, they're too much to take care of." Dean told him when a salesman stepped in.

"No sir, actually they're very low maintenance. You don't even need to clean or feed them, there's different machines present if you have a busy life." he said.

Dean glared at him, "Sorry but no, we're very poor." he said.

The salesman smiled, "They're very wallet friendly and even if you-" he was cut off by Dean.

"I said no." he said and grabbed Cas's hand gently. "I'll get you a plushie alright?" he said. Cas pouted but didn't argue and followed Dean.


I'm so so so sorry for the late and short update but my studies have started again and I'm busy af with all of that. Also, this chapter will have a part 2 :)

Nonetheless, I'll try and update as soon I as I can. Thank you so much for reading so far. :)

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