The Screams In His Tranquility

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"Excuse me?" Was all Cas could say but before the words even left his mouth, the line was silent. She had hung up, or probably the connection got lost. But that was not what wandered through Castiel's mind. How could Dean do this? , thought Castiel. Dean loved Cas and Castiel knew it, knew it as if it meant the whole world to him. But did he? Did Dean really was what he preached? What he spoke? Castiel was in doubt, and it appalled him. Not the fact that Dean was sleeping with someone else, but the fact that someone so small could shudder something so big. 

"Hey Cas guess wha-" Dean came in the room and frowned as he saw Castiel. "Are you okay, man?" He put the CD aside and held him by his shoulders.

Cas shivered at his touch, a few moments back he would've loved it; But it all seemed like a blur now. He shook his head and put on a fake smile. "Yes Dean, I'm alright. I was just a little tired." he lied so smoothly as if he did it for a living. Why wouldn't he? He knew he had worked hard for this relationship and he wouldn't let anything jeopardize it. If sleeping with other people made Dean happy, then it was all that was needed to reason out Castiel's train of thoughts. But it still didn't seem right. 

Dean checked him for a fever and then sighed in relief, "Oh Okay, you want to sleep? We could watch the movie some other time." Dean said.

Cas shook his head again, "No, I'm okay. We can watch the movie." he said with a smile, but his eyes searched Dean's for at least a little bit of assurance that Dean was only his and nobody else's. But his brain was a mess and nothing seemed bright enough to look into. 

"Oh um okay." Dean smiled and put the CD into the player, turning on the TV. He then sat down with Castiel, putting his arm around him as Cas tried to focus on the movie. He wanted to forget everything and live in the moment but he couldn't. 


Dean checked his phone around half time through the movie and immediately got up, "Um Cas... I uh.. I gotta go. Something came up."

And the crack that stung his heart grew wider, as if marking his soul with its impurity.  He was like the universe, Calm on the outside but just as fucked up in its complexities on the inside. Nonetheless Cas nodded, not wanting to get between Dean and his felicity.

Dean smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving. 

Castiel, once again, was alone.


Sam groaned as he pushed back Gabriel, who apparently, thought of Sam's face as candy in his sleep. But what was a moose to get an archangel away from his candy. And so Gabriel licked all of Sam's face until he was fully awake and had no option but to wake him up.

"Gabe..." Sam shook him, trying to push him away. And it was only after a few minutes that Gabe woke up and pouted.

"Where's my Candy..." he said, his face puffed up.

Sam sighed and wiped his face. He got up and threw some chocolates at Gabe, "You were dreaming. Here." he said and Gabe's face lit up, unwrapping the chocolate quickly and shoving it into his mouth. Sam chuckled, watching him. 

It was soon enough that the chocolates were gone and Gabe sighed happily, but a frown was spread upon his face shortly. And it had to follow Sam, "What happened? You want more?" Sam asked, looking around for more candies and chocolates.

Gabe shook his head and stood up, "Cassie's crying..." he said, worried as he grabbed Sam's hand and ran to Cas's room.


Gabe's fists clenched, "How could he..." he growled and his eyes shone brightly. 

Sam was afraid Gabe might do something. He gently held his hand, "Gabe I'm sure there must be an explanation... or this must be just a misunderstanding. I know Dean, he loves Cas more than anything. He won't do anything like this." he said, a plea in his voice rather than a need of understatement.

"Do you know where he is?" Gabriel questioned Cas, completely ignoring Sam. 

Cas, who was still crying, shook his head. Gabriel grinded his teeth, anger fuming off of him. Sam was growing more and more worried when the sound of the bunker door opening caused everyone to look back. Gabriel stormed towards the door, with Sam trying to stop him. Dean stopped mid-step as he saw Gabriel holding up a gun at him. Cas's vision was a blur, and so were his thoughts. 

Sam's jaw dropped when he saw someone else entering the bunker behind Dean, someone he was happy to see but a little disturbed at the same time. The man whose appearance stopped Gabriel from pulling the trigger. 

For the man was John Winchester.


Thank you so so so much for keeping up with this fic whoever is reading this! I hope this fic never stops and I keep writing it. And I will :) 

I always love to read your comments guys, and I read every one of them but I'm just so busy trying to pass all my classes that I don't get much time to update this fic. Would love to hear from you about the new chapter! :D

But I'll keep writing without a doubt. Enjoy!

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