Breaking Through The Camhanaich

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Sam's hand clenched into a fist. Gabe's smile too faded, fright replacing it. He tried to pull his hand away as it hurt but was no good. "S-Samrod?"

Sam's eyes were fixed on the little of Gabe's collarbone the shirt revealed. Sam grabbed let go of Gabe's hand and grabbed his collar, opening another button so the cut wounds were visible more. Sam could tell they were made by a shaving blade and there was no way in hell someone would attack an archangel with a shaving blade.

Gabe looked down, his eyes wide which then turned to Sam. There was rage and hurt in Sam's eyes and Gabe knew that could never end well. He quickly healed himself, "S-Sam I can ex-" Gabe started but was cut off by Sam.

"Right. Another stupid excuse for an explanation hmm? Okay, go on." Sam snapped and crossed his arms. His glare digging daggers into Gabe's. Gabe had to look down.

"I-I'm sorry..." Gabe mumbled.

Sam sighed and held Gabe's hand. "Gabe... why?" He asked softly.

"I-I thought you didn't love me. You told that cashier we're just friends and then you told me to leave yesterday." he looked up at him. "Why?" he asked.

Sam sighed and put his hand on Gabe's shoulder. "Gabe, for the millionth time. I love you." he says.

Gabe couldn't hold back anymore. He crashed right into Sam's arms in a crying and sobbing mess. Sam was surprised but hugs him back, wrapping his arms tightly around him.


Dean was in the hospital bed, unconscious with fluids attached to his veins through a cannula. Fluids were given to him continuously because of the immense blood loss. The doctors had performed blood transfusion immediately which had saved his life but his condition was still stabilising. It broke Cas's heart and smile to see the hunter laying on the hospital bed with bandages covering his wound.

Though it wasn't much and Dean still looked the same except the pale skin and shut eyes, it still hurt Cas to see him like this. He knew it was because of him and how stupid he had been but he shook those thoughts away, wanting to live in the present. But how could he? When his Dean wasn't awake with him. But again, he would wake up soon and all Cas had to do was wait. Cas sat on a chair on the right of the bed, with the pie container resting on his lap.

It seemed funny to him how he had ben waiting for so long and now that the moment was approaching, now that Dean and Cas could be finally be forever and it was just a few minutes or hours away he couldn't wait. He kept practicing and thinking what to say, how to say it and sorts. He became more and more restless by each tick of the clock but it soon started to fade.

Two hours had passed by and Cas waited for Dean to wake up. He had tried to shake him awake but a nurse stopped him, so he just sat there with Dean's hand in his own waiting for him to open his eyes. He thought about how a simple injury brought them together when every thing he, Dean, Sam or even the good ol' trickster tried didn't work. It was amusing, yes but it came with a moral for them. The universe never rewards someone with such a beautiful gift without a price. The more rewarding the prize is, the more the magnitude if the price one has to pay.

He had heard one has to pass through the dark of the night to relish the warmth of the early sunrise but they had been stuck in the camhanaich for so long, the gift of love was worth it. It was worth it for Castiel, and it was worth it for Dean.


Dean found himself lost in a forest. It was deep and confusing. Even to the Winchester who knew well enough to find his way out of a forest, it was confusing. Every tree seemed to glare at him with the same hatred and each ray of sunlight that scattered and refracted through the fine and dense particles of the atmosphere and the forest hit him with a guilt for not being good enough for the love of his life.

Dean desperately searched for a way to get out, for a sound of water that might lead him somewhere but there was nothing. The forest was disturbingly quiet, without any chirping of the insects and no such thing. Wind didn't blow and Dean's breaths were getting uneven, he was lost and had no idea where he was. He ran through the forest but found himself only getting deeper and deeper.


Dean's finger in Cas's hand twitched and Cas looked up in hope to see the pair of green irises he had fell in love with. But his eyes were closed. Maybe he had imagined it? No, he was sure Dean's finger moved. He put his other hand on Dean's cheek. "Dean?" he called for his hunter to reply.


Dean started to hyperventilate as the thought of never getting back to Cas or Sam roved his mind. He was starting to lose hope when he heard someone call his name. His head immediately shot up, first he thought he must be dreaming this but then it came again.

"Dean?" Dean heard and suddenly the voice wasn't unknown anymore.

"Castiel!" Dean turned to where the voice was coming from and ran towards it, with all the strength he had.

"Dean? Are you there?" Dean heard again.

"Castiel! Baby yes, I'm coming!" Dean ran towards the voice, not caring if the low hanging branches of the trees engraved wounds into his face or the numerous times he fell. "Cas!" He kept calling and ran from where the voice had seemed to be coming from.


The hope in Castiel's eyes shone brighter as Dean's fingers twitched again and his arm slightly moved. "Dean!" He called excitedly, with tears falling from his eyes. He looked up, "Sam! Brother!" he shouted happily for them as Dean's finger moved again.

Soon enough were there doctors, Sam and Gabe in the room with Cas. With every word Cas spoke, there was a physical reply from Dean. The doctor was first confused at how Dean was acting to Cas's voice since it wasn't a coma or anything but he then smiled and asked Cas to keep calling his name, saying he had seen this happen it before and maybe Cas's voice will draw him to consciousness. The doctor knew, not from experience of the books he had read but the experience of life itself, that it wasn't unconsciousness Cas's voice was pulling Dean from but it was Cas's love that was mending Dean's broken heart.


"Dean!" He heard again and each time Dean heard Cas's voice, it gave him more power to run towards the love of his life.

"Cas!" He called and towards the voice, not once looking t where he was going. The forests were soon starting to fade and on spur of moment he fell. Suddenly there wasn't ground beneath his feet anymore and he heard the sound of raging water as the air brushed his body. Dean's body turned in the play of air and then all he saw was blue.


Dean's eyes fluttered open an he looked around, his vision blurred at first. White light shrank Dean's pupils and it took while but his eyes focused on a face. Gradually, the features of the face started to clear out. From the adorably wide lips to the puppy-like eyebrows that fell apart in worry and to the nose Dean had always dreamed of booping with his own and then the blue in the eyes of the face Dean had fallen for.

"Cas?" Dean asked, his throat reluctant.

"Dean." Cas chuckled with joy, both his hands wrapping Dean's hand and tears of joy falling from his cheek.


Bit too dramatic? Hell yeah, they deserved it :')

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