The Unbridled Emotions

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Sam woke up instinctively as he heard his room's door open. Gabriel got in, "Get rid of those sweats." Gabe slurred as he set the Mezcal bottle on the table.

"Gabriel are you drunk?" Sam asked, sitting up on his elbows.

"Nope."Gabe said, popping the 'p' as he unbuttoned his shirt.

"Gabriel no, stop. We're not doing this when you're drunk." Sam sat up straight.

"I'm not asking Samshire. Get those clothes off." He said as he threw his shirt across the room and started towards Sam's bed. Sam stood up and was about to leave when Gabriel grabbed his wrist. Sam looked back at him and tried to shake off his wrist but it was no good. "Told you." Gabriel smirks.

"Gabriel please, I don't want to.." Sam tried to break free, somewhat afraid of the lost innocence in the trickster's eyes. Gabriel pinned Sam to the wall, making Sam gasp as the air left his lungs and a pair of lips touched his neck. "Gabe stop! Please!" Sam shook him hard, finally using his strength as he pushed Gabriel away from him.

Gabriel stood at the spot frozen, eyes glued on Sam. "I've always loved you. But seems like I was nothing but just another one night stand no?" Gabriel said, making Sam look away.

"I don't want to love you." Sam mumbles, staring absentmindedly on  a wall. He didn't want to meet Gabriel's gaze.

"Because my vessel has a dick? Because I'm an angel? Because I'm a freak?!" Gabriel raised his voice, clearly done with all the stalling Sam had been doing with him.

Sam flinched a bit at his raised voice, for he had only heard that tone fighting for a candy before. But Sam didn't move and he didn't look at Gabriel, "I don't want to see you get hurt.." Sam mumbled. 

Gabriel didn't understand what Sam had intended to say, he just scoffed. "Already planning on cheating on me, huh great." He said, grabbing his shirt from the floor and putting it on. Once Gabriel walked away, Sam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looked down at his feet.

"I... Just.. Everyone I love just ends up dead." Sam said, which rather came out as a croak. Gabe looked up at the Winchester at those words, his eyes finally softening. 

"It's okay." Gabe said and left the room. Sam looked up as he heard the soft voice instead of another yell but Gabe was already gone. He sighed and went to bed. So did Gabe, falling asleep as soon as he laid down on his bed.


Neither Cas nor did Dean sleep the following days. The only time they saw each other were during meals, and even then Dean didn't look at Cas. While on the other hand,  Cas tried desperately to get even the most minuscule attention from the hunter. But all the bottled emotions, all the locked rage, every last bit of the caged blame cut loose when Dean and Sam found a case nearby that was probably one of Crowley's works. 

"A-are you going somewhere?" Cas asked as he came out of his room to see Sam and Dean leave with their duffels. Gabriel was packing Sam candies despite every controversy Sam made. Cas's question was obviously directed to Dean in particular but Dean didn't look up. 

Sam looked at Cas who's eyes were fixed on Dean. Sam sighed, "Yeah we found a case nearby and we thought-"

Sam was cut mid-sentence by Cas, "Why didn't you tell me then? I'll get my bag." Cas turned to his room but Sam spoke up.

"Cas we think maybe you're not-" Sam started but once again was cut by Cas.

"Maybe I'm not what Sam? Not strong enough?" Cas snapped.

Dean finally looked up at that, "Maybe you're not emotionally ready for all this." he said, finally looking at those blue eyes in what seemed like an eternity. But Cas was way more than done. He had gone through enough, now he wasn't going to be titled "emotionally weak" just for falling in love with someone he isn't supposed to.

"Oh really Dean? Not emotionally ready? YOU KISSED ME AND CAN NOT ADMIT IT AND I'M THE WEAK ONE HERE?!" Cas yelled. Gabe looked at Cas and immediately ran to him, begging him to go to his room. "I GAVE EVERYTHING FOR YOU AND ALL YOU COULD DO WAS USE ME AND LEAVE ME! AND STILL I'M THE WEAK ONE HERE!" Cas yelled, tears brimming his eyes as Gabe pulled him to his room. Cas's screams could still be heard through the closed door.

Sam looked at Dean with a concerned look, "Dean let's just go.." he said as he picked up his duffel. Dean's eyes were fixed on the hallway through which Gabe had dragged Cas for his room. He didn't say anything, just stomped to Cas's room and threw the door open only to see a sobbing Castiel wrapped in Gabriel's arms.  Cas immediately looked up at Dean and wiped his eyes. 

Gabe didn't even get a chance to think before Dean grabbed Cas's shirt and pinned him on the wall, crashing his lips on Cas's. Cas went limp at the sudden course of actions while Dean kissed deeply and passionately, biting his lips every now and then. Gabe and Sam both stood there frozen, both confused. When Dean finally did pull back, Cas stared at him wide-eyed as he panted. "This what you wanted?" Dean asked in a hoarse voice.

Tears escaped Castiel's eyes once again as he pushed Dean off and slapped him hard before running out of the room and through the bunker door. 

Okay so I've been sick af this whole week and I have an IT exam which was supposed to be tomorrow but got postponed and so I got time to finally write this. 

Ugh I'm so tired and exhausted.

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Until next time! 

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