The Region-Beta Paradox

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Everyone started eating, John asking about everything from hunting to their personal lives. Sam stayed mostly silent throughout, Dean talking the most.

And then they heard a gunshot. Everyone looked up at each other. There was only Gabe that was not on the dinner table. He got up, his chair falling back as he ran to his room. John was sitting on his chair, confused. Cas was the next to follow Sam as Dean ran behind him. Sam opened the door and saw Gabriel holding a gun. If Sam's heart could beat any faster, it would be out of his chest and on the floor. He closed the door behind, locking it from inside and ran towards Gabe who had just shot down a picture of him and Sam on the bedside stand.

Gabriel still had the gun up and pointing at where the picture frame once had been, now that it was knocked down to the floor. He was shaking from toes to his fingers, tears running down his cheeks in torrents of dismay. Sam carefully took the gun from Gabe's hand and threw it back. He held the archangel's hand and looked into his eyes, "Gabriel?" He said, worry and concern dripping from his words like fresh paint.

Sam's voice brought Gabriel to the reality as his eyes turned to look into the familiar brown ones. Yearning and longing was clear before Gabe put on a stern face, his love clouded by disgust and wrath. "Don't fucking touch me!" He yelled, pushing Sam off of him. Sam fell on his back on the bed, looking up at Gabe.

He quickly stood up and held him by his shoulders, making him look up at him. "Gabriel please, I'm sorry. I know I did you wrong but please try to understand. I do love you, you know I do. And I wouldn't-"

"Then why are so intent on hiding the damn thing?" Gabe asked with an eerie calm through clenched teeth. "Why do I always feel left out? Why do we have to live in the shadows?" He asked, voice coming up as he spoke. Then suddenly his countenance relaxed with dejection as an unimaginable thought ran through his head. "Is it wrong that we're in love, Samkit?" He asked in an almost hushed voice.

"Gabe, no. Of course not. It's just-"

"I was thinking about finding a new vessel." Gabe said, looking away from his eyes. "A female vessel. So you could finally love me." He broke down in sobs. "But I couldn't... I couldn't find any vessel and I did try hard... I swear I did. I'm so sorry, Sam." He cried as Sam pulled him into an embrace, his heart sinking at his boyfriend's words. Sam just kept holding him until Gabe's cries died out. Once he was calmed down, Sam pulled back and made the shorter man look at him.

"Gabriel I'm really sorry to have made you feel that way." He said as he placed a small peck on his lips, cupping his cheeks. "I've never loved as much as I love you, honest. And maybe that's what's been scaring me all along." He said as he pecked him once more. "There are many things that you don't know about, and it's better if it were to stay that way." He kissed him once again. "But I'll try to be stronger. I genuinely will. For you, for us." He kissed him deeply until Gabe kissed him back.


"Do you think they're kissing?" Cas asked Dean who had his ear stuck to the door very much like Dean, their eyes fixed on each other's.

"Unless Gabe's a sloppy sucker, I think that's the sound of kissing. Yes." Dean smirked.

Cas narrowed his eyes, not understanding what Dean had said. Then it suddenly hit him and his eyes widened, his face reddening. "Dean!" He slapped his arm to which Dean chuckled.

"Gosh you're adorable." Dean chuckled at Cas who was trying to cover his flushed face. Suddenly Sam opened the door and both Dean and Cas fell to the floor with it.

"Seriously Dean?" Sam looked at him, furrowing his brows at the pair.

Gabe chuckled from the distance and wiped his eyes before he joined them as Cas and Dean stood up. "I didn't take our little Cassy to be so curious."

Cas blushed, "Dean told me to, said it's better two than one. Especially when it comes to snooping." He said.

Sam laughed as Dean frowned at Cas, "Ratted out by your own love, huh?" He said and looked into the hallway, "Where's dad?" He asked.

"Eating." Cas said.

Dean chuckled. "The man's not eaten in ages. I told him not to worry and just focus on gulping things down." He said.

Sam smiled and sighed, "Hungry, Gabe?" He turned to him.

Gabriel smiled and cupped Sam's crotch, "For this? Always." He winked at him.

"No!" Cas screeched and ran out of the bunker as he imagined Gabriel on his knees in front of Sam like he had done with Dean. "My eyes!" He shouted along the way.

They all looked at him confused before Dean ran behind him, "Cas!"


I'm so so sorry for blacking out on you guys like that! But life caught on and I kinda got engrossed writing other stories. Also, I'll be graduating in a couple of months so it's kinda hectic! 🙈
I'll sure be continuing this one, I have some things in mind that I will surely write about! Stay smiling guys! I love you!
Check out my Supernatural x Male!Reader if you're into that btw!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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