Chapter 58

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Ominicent POV

Audrey walked into the kitchen early the following morning. The house was empty, it was just August and Audrey. She watched as August prepared the meal she had been craving this morning.

She loved this man, she thought as she took a seat at the kitchen island.

But he was so hard headed and although she was too she would never do anything that crazy to hurt their relationship.

She wish she could tell him who did it, if only she remember what they looked like. They wore ski masks and black clothing. But that wasn't saying much.

Audrey smiled at August who finally realized she was in the kitchen. He walked over and kissed her forehead and rubbed on her belly.

If anyone was super excited for April's arrival it was August. All day, everyday he constantly harass Audrey on what the baby should call him.

"She should call me Daddy, maybe Popa? Pop?" August would stare at Audrey.

"Or Papi like I said" Audrey would always give him the rebuttal.

"Morning Papi" Audrey cooed.

"Babeeee" August whined.

"What?" Audrey giggled knowing exactly what is up.

"Don't say that shit" he smirked.

"Why?" She smiled.

"Because the way you say it sounds sexy as fuck" he laughed.

"Oh really?"

"Yes and you know that you little Spanish accent you put on is enticing"

Audrey smirked but she wasn't going to tempt him. She was still mad at him and besides her body needed rest. There was no rest once you got him started.

"Yeah yeah whatever" she waved him off.

"Did I tell I love you this morning?" August smirked.

"Yes while you rubbed my belly, to wake me up" Audrey laughed.

"Well, let me just say it again, I love you and everything you do for me, even if it is annoy me."

"'Boy bye, annoy you? You annoy me" Audrey huffed.

"What you want for Christmas even though I already got you some fly shit, is there anything you want?"

"My ring back" Audrey looked at her bare left hand, she only had it for a month and it was gone.

August sort of frowned a little, he knew Audrey was sad about losing be ring, but all August could think about was who he was gonna beat to get his ring back.

"I know baby, I know ... I'm going to get you a new and improved ring" he laughed.

"What do you want?" Audrey asked.

"To be honest I just want some pregnant pum" he smirked and Audrey just laughed.

"Pum?" Audrey just shook her head.

"Yes pum" August laughed.

"Well, let's see I don't think I could do anything I thought I was going to do" Audrey laughed.

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