Chapter 41

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Audrey POV

Today was finally the day I'll get to see if I have a growing peanut in my belly. My mother accompany me to the doctors office.

I was rather excited to see how all this would work. I was curious and scared, all at once.

I sat on the table, and awaited for the doctor to enter the room.

"I cannot believe this is happening" my mother looked excited and scared too.

"Me either!" I said excited.

I was in the middle of thinking about how excited I am and wondering what is wrong with me?

The doctor walked in.

"Audrey McCall, how are you?"

"I'm fine, and yourself ?"

"I'm good darling. So today I'm going to be taking a look and just trying to see if everything is okay"

"Okie dookie"

"I'm gonna lift up your shirt, and this gel might be a little cold"

She lifted up my shirt and pulled down on my sweats and applied some of the gel.

She turned on the screen and began to move the probe back and forth until she landed on something. She stopped and pointed to the fetus growing inside of me, I looked at the screen and smiled.

It was all crashing into me, I was pregnant. Not only was I happy, but I was excited for this new journey.

But looking at the screen made me realize how much I wish August was here.

I looked at my mom who was smiling.

"My second grand baby" she smiled.

I looked down my tummy, there is a mini me or August in there ...

Omniscient POV 

August had finally found the courage to get up and fly out to New York.  If what she wanted him to prove to her they were meant to be, he was going to do just that.

August had brought T along for the ride, he knew he was going to need back up if she called the cops or worst started wildin out like she did at his crib.

They reached the hotel the August had grown so accustomed to staying at that, they always knew him when he walked through the doors.


The end of June was, it was official she was leaving. The summer grew hot over the past couple of days but she was just glad that she would soon be overlooking Paris streets in her new apartment.

Audrey sat in the back seat of Tamara's car with her mother, while Tammy drove and Yari sat in the passenger seat. She was on her way to the airport, she was flying out to France this afternoon.

She was happy that at least Yari was flying out with her to keep her company until she got all her stuff delivered. She wouldn't have to bare being alone, pregnant and single all at once in another country.

The car ride was kind of silent, Audrey held on to her mother's hand. Her mother had promised to come in September when the boutique wasn't as busy. Tammy would be out there in August till after thanksgiving.  So she was very thankful that her friends were going to try and be there for her.

As for her mother, she knew that letting go of her was going to be the hardest thing. But she knew that the decision she had made was the best thing for her. Mother Goose would just have to let her spread her wings and let her fly this plane on her own.

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