Chapter 29

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Omniscient POV

Audrey and August had long gone from the first bar and now were in their third and final bar of the night.

Audrey had convinced August to let her have about three more drinks. Which he thought would be a bad idea but he couldn't say no to her.

August was on his fourth glass of brown water and although he knew maybe he shouldn't have had the fourth one, he was feeling so much happiness and he couldn't explain it. But blame it on the alcohol.

Didn't know if he was drunk and happy or drunk in love. But he wasn't going to allow his drunken thoughts eat him up tonight.

Audrey had really let her hair down tonight, she sat on the bar stool watching August look through his phone, as she circled the glass with her index finger.

She was feeling super buzzed and she liked the feeling. She didn't have to think about waking up early, or did she? Who cared, she'd think of that tomorrow. She took the last sip of her drink. Looking at her glass, raising it up to her face and pouting.

"No, no, that was your last one" August reassured her.

"But why! That was really good" she huffed.

"Yeah, you not gonna be saying that if you get sick"

"Babeeeeeee" she whined.

"Nooooooo" he mimicked her .

"You no fun" she poked his cheek.

"August" she hiccuped.

August began to laugh as she covered her mouth.

"You straight ?" He continued to laugh.

"I mean" she hiccuped again.

"Anthony" another hiccup escaped.

"Drey" August couldn't stop laughing.

"Be quiet, imma get you water" he laughed and waved the bartender over.

Audrey looked at the glass of water like it was disgusting. She took a couple of sips pissed it wasn't another whiskey sour.

She looked over at August whose eyes were low behind his glasses, hoody half on. Audrey ran her index finger over the outline of his jaw. She loved how beautifully structure this man was. Probably why she couldn't resist him.

Audrey stood up from her stool and stood between August legs. She looked at his eyes and placed a kiss on his forehead. August arms wrapped around her waist. Audrey began to softly peck his cheeks and slowly work her way to his lips. Her tongue lightly graze his lips, giving her a taste of the henny he had been drinking all night.

"Your lips taste like henny" she lowly laughed

"Yours taste sour"

"Like my soul" she joked.

"No, not at all baybeh" he hug on her tighter.

August pulled her into his lips, kissing her ever so softly, their heads bobbed to a slow and steady rhythm, Audrey lips were like a drug to him. He could never get a enough, he slightly bit in her bottom lip. He could feel her smile against his lips.

"We fucked up" he manages to say.

"No, you are!" She laughs.

Audrey wraps her arms around his frame. She nuzzles her head in his neck. She places soft kisses before she playfully bites him. She makes little circles on his neck with her tongue. Her teeth graze his skin again causing him to jump a little. Audrey kisses the spot and begins to leave her mark on him.

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