Chapter 3

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Audrey's POV

Today was day one of my sit in on Complex photo shoot for August. I had to sign off on looks, approve backgrounds and cater to his every need on set. Since this is my spread, I had total creative control. I knew I had to put all the bullshit to the side and get it together. I walked into our on sight studio, breakfast was just being put out and the photographer was just beginning to set up. It was 9 am and August was not due till 10:30. I walked around to the stylist and checked to see if the clothing was beginning to be steamed for wrinkles. I walked through collection being pulled for him a mix or colorful, teeny boppy stuff. I was annoyed by this pull, he sang R&B not Pop and he was a grown not a teen.

"Who asked for this stuff?" I asked annoyed at the collection.

"His publicist" the stylist responded.

"Where is his stylist?" I asked puzzled. 

"Apparently he doesn't have one available at the moment..."

"Fucking great" I sighed.

"Take all this crap back, I want black and white ensembles, the only color I want to see is what's going on his feet. He's in his twenties not a fucking teenager" I huffed.

I usually didn't curse at work but I was annoyed that I was doing my job plus everyone else's.

I turned around to the sound of someone clapping, which began to boil my blood.

"You tell'em baybeh" I heard.

August... I thought to myself, I haven't seen him since last week after the kiss. I turned around with a slight smile but rather annoyed.

"You're here early" I said.

"If you here, I'm right on time"

"Well I suggest you eat something and wait till we're ready" I said plainly.

He began to walk towards me and stopped right in front me. He leaned forwards and whispered in my ear,

"Lighten up hun"

He smiled and lightly smacked my left butt cheek. I gasped as I smacked his arm.

"Do not over step your boundary Mr. Alsina" I glared at him.

"I don't think I was, I mean my hands got real acquainted with you some time last week, don't chu think?" he smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and stormed off knowing I would say something I would regret later on.

"Let me know when the clothes arrive" I spoke to the stylist, she shook her head.

I began to walk around the set and see what was going on with our settings and background. Since I changed the clothes, I know the set was going to have change as well.

"Okay, so I need either bright white backgrounds or black, depending on what he's wearing but I need those options. His album is titled Testimony, can we use that as a little inspiration for what I'm trying to go for here. I need church, but not over the top, and definitely not Catholicism" I paced back and forth, pondering.

"For now work with dark and light hues, I'll be right back"

I walked back to the stylist and checked out the new line up I loved everything I was seeing. Very clean cut but it would make him look like a man, not a boy.

"Good picks Lauren" I smiled as I walked through the collection.

"Should I go get him?" she asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, why not" I said as she giggled.

She quickly came back with August, he was eating an apple. He began staring at me with a stupid grin on his face.

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