Chapter 35

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Audrey POV

It was 6 am and I was sitting in the passenger seat of August range. We were headed to the airport, it was time for me to leave his humble abode.

I looked out the window and saw that the sun was finally rising, August had his hand on my left thigh. I placed my hand on top of his and gave it a light squeeze.

The radio was on and Jazmine Sullivan came through the speakers.

"I'm scared to try cause I'm scared to fail
I'm scared to die cause I'm scared of hell
I'm scared to kiss scared to hug
I'm scared of sex cause I'm scared to touch

I'm scared to look cause I'm scared to see
I'm scared of you cause I'm scared of me
I'm scared to fly cause I'm scared to crash
I'm scared to move on so I live in the past"

August hummed to the beat as he continued to look at the road ahead of him. But I was listening to the lyrics like she was speaking directly to me.

"Cause you ain't human without fear"

That really spoke to me, I would have never given August a chance if I didn't let go of the fear that he would do me like Parker had done me. Even though a part of me still didn't trust him with my heart, I couldn't help the feelings he gave me when he was near me. He was charming, caring, honest even if it could be brutal sometimes...

He meant well ...

I came out of my thoughts as we pulled up into the airport parking lot. August parked the car and turned off the engine. He turned his head and looked at me. I looked back at him and smiled. I suddenly began to feel sad about leaving him.

"We should head in" I broke the silence.

"I don't want to let you leave" August laughed.

"I know you think you playing house" I joked.

"Two weeks" he groaned.

"Two weeks, and then my work load is less which gives me more free time" I smile.

"Let's go before T start complaining"

I opened my door and hopped out, August grabbed my bag and reached for my hand. He hit the locks on his key ring as we walked through the parking lot.

I stood before walking through TSA line and I smiled at August, he looked like he lost his favorite toy.

"Babe stop looking like that, you look crazy" I smiled and ran my hand across his cheek.

"I'm just trying to cope with how I ain't gonna get none for a while"

I scoffed.

"You're annoying"

"I'm gon miss you ma" he kissed my forehead.

"Two weeks, you'll be okay" I laughed.

"How much you want to bet you'll be the first one calling me telling me you want me"

"$200" I said boldly.

"$400 you'll call me first" he crossed his arms.

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