Chapter 40

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August POV

I sat at the edge of my bed, looking down at my phone. I stared at old text messages between me and Audrey. I was missing the fuck outta her. It had only been a week since I stormed out her apartment.

I was feeling like shit, sitting in this dark ass room, with my beats going practically numb. I wanted to call her or text but I knew she wouldn't answer. I didn't want to come off thirsty either.

I wanted nothing more than to be laid up beside her, playing her curls watching how soothing her breathing was when she's calm.
I wanted to be inside her. Feeling her connect with me on a deeper physical level.

Man, I really love this woman. I thought to myself.

I locked my phone and threw it behind me. I got up and walked over to my dresser and pulled out some bud and a wrap.

It was about that time to blow down my emotions ...

Audrey POV

I was officially packing up all my things in boxes at Complex. All the paper work was sighed and I was officially the Editor in Chief at Double XL France 🤑.

I had convinced Melissa to give Nakisha my assistant, my office and position. She deserved it and I wouldn't see anybody else but her filling in my shoes.

Melissa and Nakisha both sat with me in my office helping me gather my things.

"I can't believe you really going to be gone"

"Me too Melissa, me too"

"I'll try and visit" she smiled.

"Please do and imma make you bring me some American food"

"American food, girl please" she laughed.

"I wonder how the men are out there" she stopped packing one of the boxes to stare off into space.

"Hopefully they're cute and chocolaty" I smirked.

"I thought you were into caramel men?" Nakisha looked at me.

"I am, I like them both chocolaty and caramel" I smirked.

This talk about candy was making me want some.

"Okay ladies. This talk about chocolate really makes me want some"

"Well go get you some" Melissa laughed.

"I meant actual candy girl"


"So done with you!"


I sat in the middle of my bed, eating spoonfuls of peanut butter. The crunchy type 😋.

I had just had my mother over for dinner and broke the news down to her. She cried, and cried and cried. I almost wanted to cry to but I couldn't. After August left me, I had done cried my poor little eyes out. I just replayed the entire conversation between us.

"I didn't get to meet him" my mother said.

I shook my head nope.

"Mija, protection, protection, protection. I've always spoke about this with you and your siblings" she stressed.

I nodded my head, I was ashamed. Her eyes began to water.

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