The Animal Whisperer: Chapter 6

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Later on that night, I finished drinking my cup of tea at the kitchen sink. I was looking outside.
All of the twelve cows were outside, happily munching on their food.
I felt so happy and proud of my eight pets.

I sat back down in the living room with Bluey and Sam.
When I sat back down, Sam asked me a question.
"Hey," he said, "Can I round up the cows?"
"You want to round up the cows, do you?" I asked, "Don't Border Collie's round up sheep?"
Sam shook his head.
"But I'm better than any other Border Collie you see on TV." He said, "On TV, they think they are so cool rounding up sheep, but I am going to round up cows. And I'll be on TV one day. You'll see. Everyone will know me as 'Sam the Cow Rounder-Upper'."

As I was about to respond, I was distracted by Bluey.
He was fast asleep right next to me, and purring at the same time.
How cute! I thought, Just like Sam....

When I turned back, Sam was fast asleep, too.
"You know what," I said to Sam, even though he was asleep, I knew he could still hear me, "One day, everyone will known you as Sam the Cow Rounder-Upper, and if they don't, then don't worry, because I always will."


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