The Animal Whisperer: Chapter 5

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"How would I know?!" I cried.
"PANIC!" Bluey screamed, "PANIC!"
He started running around, gasping for air.
"Bluey!" I said, calming him down, "How about, instead of jumping around like a bunch of lunatics, we actually go outside and check what all the commotion was?"

As soon as we stepped outside, a truck was stuck in the side of a tree.
I walked over to the truck. The driver was an older-looking woman.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
The woman looked startled.
"Uh, fine..." She said, "I have to go now. Bye, kid."

"Oh," I said, trying not to be awkward, "You can't really get anywhere..."
I pointed to the tree, which her truck had crashed in to.
"Right." The woman said, "Well, I'll fix that. You can just go home."
"No, it's fine!" I said, "I'm always trying to do random acts of kindness!"
"Yeah, lady!" Bluey said looking straight at the woman, "Get with it!"
Since I am the only person who can communicate with Bluey, all the woman could hear was a bunch of meows and hisses coming from Bluey's mouth.
"Sorry," I said, "He just, um, meows a lot..."

The woman said nothing. She just looked around, making it obvious she didn't want to talk to me. Why did she seem so uneasy around animals? Now that I thought about it, that woman looked very familiar...

All of a sudden, a lot of mooing was coming from the back of the truck.
"You got some cows in there?" I asked the woman.
"Yep." She said quickly, "Sure do. I'm takin' em' to the, um, cow vet."
Cow vet? I thought, That doesn't seem legit...

Sam turned to me.
"I don't like this woman," he said, "I wouldn't trust her. Ask her some questions. I bet she won't look you in the eye and give you an honest answer."
Taking Sam's advice, I started asking the woman some questions.

"Okay," I said to the woman in the truck, "What's your name?"
Still not looking at me directly in the eye, she said, "Sally."
"Okay, Sally," I said, "What company do you work for?"
Sally paused for a minute, obviously trying to think up and answer.
"Look, kid," she said, "I really have to go, okay?"

A minute later Sally steered her truck out of the tree that it was stuck in.
Just as she was about to take off, I stood right in front of the truck, forcing her to stop quickly, "No! Stop!" I yelled.
"Move!" Sally exclaimed.
"No!" I yelled, once again, "Tell me your job! You obviously have to work for some kind of company, right? I mean, a stay-at-home-mum wouldn't be driving a truck around the place, obviously holding cows in the back of it, talking mean to young girls like me, and faking your identity! For goodness sakes! You got your truck stuck in the front of my front yard! At least tell me your real job!"

"What are you, two years old?" Sally asked. "Now get out of my way, or you'll regret it!"
I crossed my arms, still standing in front of her truck.
"No." I said simply, "I am not moving one foot."
More mooing was heard from the back of the truck.

"Bluey," I said, "You know what to do."
I looked at Sam. "Oh, and Sam, your breed is a Border Collie. Border Collie's are the smartest dogs in the world. Do your thing."

Bluey jumped through the window of Sally's truck window, with his claws ready to attack. Of course, he didn't really scratch her, he just turned the keys out of the ignition. Sam ran around the back of the truck, using his smart paws and his smart brain to unlock the back of the truck, to let the cows out.

I walked arond to see what was in the back of the truck. I didn't worry about Sally, since she couldn't drive away, because Bluey had the keys! A dozen cows were all squashed in to the back of the truck.

I immediately helped all of them out, one by one.
"You lead all of your buddies over there," I said to the first cow who got out, pointing to where I wanted them to stand and wait.

I walked back around to Sally.

She was wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans. Now she looked even MORE familiar.
"What were you going to do with these cows?" I said in a stern voice, "And DON'T give me ANY lies! I am NOT in the mood for any lies. I actually care about the health and well-being of animals. But, of course, you don't."
Sally laughed. "I'm not tellin' you a thing. Now, for the last time, MOVE."
"Or what?" I asked, "What are you going to do? Run me over?"
"I would!" She yelled, "But your psycho cat took my keys!"
"He is NOT a PSYCHO!" I yelled back, "He is a HERO! And so is my dog!"
"I sure am," Sam said to me, followed by a man and a woman dressed in police suits.

"You're under arrest for the crime of killing animals illegally. We have to ask you to step out of the vehicle." The woman said, as the man locked some hand cuffs to Sally's wrists.
Then it came to me, the woman wasn't Sally! It was Martha! Martha, from the pound!
The one who didn't care that Sam was about to be put down even though he was innocent!
It turns out that Martha was driving the cows somewhere to get them killed, and she would get paid for bringing them to the illegal cow-killers.

As Martha walked by, I said to her, "Look who gets the last laugh now."

The female police officer walked up to me.
"Good evening," she said, "Did you help these cows get out of the vehicle?"
"Yes, officer," I said, "I did help those cows get out of the vehicle. They were so squashed together and they looked sore and I just couldn't leave them and-"
"It's okay," the officer interupted, "You did the right thing."
She smiled at me. "That was very brave at you to stand in front of her truck, but also very dangerous."
"Oh," I said, "My cat took the keys away and, well, never mind." I said, trying not to sound too awkward.
"Right," the officer said, "Well, is there anything you want in return? You, and your pets, basically just saved a dozen cows from being killed."

I looked at Bluey and Sam. I know what they wanted. It was what I wanted to.
"Would it be too much to ask for the block of land surrounding my house?"
The officer walked over to her partner. They spoke for a few minutes.
The police officers both walked over to me.
"Yes," they said, "We'll give you the land, if you keep the cows and promise to care for them."
"Oh my gosh!" I yelled in excitement, "YES! YES! Of course! Thank you so much!!"

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