The Animal Whisperer: Chapter 4

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Sam looked to the ground.
"I don't know where to start," he sighed.
"I'm not hungry anymore," Bluey interrupted, standing up on all four legs, "Can we go home now?"
I shot Bluey a warning look. He soon got the message, and sat back down again, and no questions were asked.

"Sam..." I said, giving him a pat on his head, "Did you want to share something with us?"
Sam looked at me. "Not really..." He said, scratching himself behind the ear, "I like keeping myself to myself... Is that okay?"

 I laughed to myself. Sam was so lovely and sweet.
"Of course," I said, "Of course it's okay!"

A few minutes later, we decided to stand up and walk back home.
"Where do you live?" Bluey said, tagging along from behind Sam and I.
"Well," I said, "I live in a house on quite a big block of land."
Sam started to join in on the conversation.
"That's so cool!" He said, "Now I can run around all the time!"

I sighed. "Not so fast, buddy," I said, "There is a problem."
"What's up, cheesecake?" Bluey asked, obviously very curious.
I loved the nicknames Bluey came up with... He was very, oh, what's the word? Creative.

"I own the house," I said, "It's all mine!"
Bluey jumped around. "Yay!" He said, "It's all yours!"
"No, no," I said, "Well, yes, the house is mine, but the backyard isn't!"
Bluey stopped jumping. Sam stared at me.
"What do you mean?" He asked, quite shocked.
"I mean, when I bought the house, it didn't come with all of the block of land around it, it just came with the front garden," I said, "Besides, I'm sure all three of us can survive in a house!"
"Yeah, I guess so," Sam said, brightening up a bit.
Bluey smiled. "I don't care," he said, "I just want food."
A few moments later, we were at my house. As I unlocked the door, Bluey and Sam went running inside.
"Wait, Tegan," Sam said, looking out the window, onto the block of land which I didn't yet own, "Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course you can!" I said, giving him another pat on the head.
"How can we get all of that block of land around your house?" He asked, still staring out the window, looking at the empty green fields.

"Well, Sam," I said, "It's two hundred thousand dollars for all of it."
Sam looked at me blankly. "Haven't you ever heard of a bank?"
"Of course I have, silly!" I laughed, "But I have to earn the money to get it in the bank!"
"Oh," Sam sighed, "Right..."
Suddenly my heart sank.
Sam and Bluey will be living with me... But it's not healthy to keep them both inside all the time!
Just as I start to think, I was interrupted by a very loud noise coming from the front of the house.
"What was THAT?!" Bluey cried, looking panicked.

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