"So that's why you're so giddy." Normani pointed out. "So you guys resolved whatever issues you had going on last night?" Ally asked. I smiled. "Something like that."  

"Aw. I am so happy for you Lauren." Ally said. "I hope you guys have the best time." 

"But not too much fun if you know what I mean." Dinah winked. 

"Shut up." I laughed.


"Are you sure you're going to be fine alone?" I asked Camila as I waited for Zayn to arrive. Camz was curled up on the couch in a blanket watching Full House reruns. She nodded. "Yes. Go out and have fun with Zayn do not let my stomach ache refrain you from doing that." I hugged her. 

"Stay hydrated." I said to her. She waved the water bottle in her hand. "Yes mother." She joked.


I was sitting in my rented black Ford awaiting Lauren to walk out of the house. I'm not sure why but I was slightly nervous. We made out yesterday, now what? We both know we have feelings for each other. Would it be too early to ask her to be my girlfriend? Would she even want to be my girlfriend? I know she likes me, but does she like me enough to date me and be thrown into my hectic lifestyle? Also how was my breath?

All of these questions were running through my mind at full speed. I leaned over and dug around in the glove compartment where I had mints. I popped two in my mouth. I looked up and that's when I saw Lauren walk out of the door.

I took a deep breath, and shook out my body, trying to rid these unwanted nerves. Lauren's hair was blowing in the wind, and she had a heartmelting smile on her face. She was truly breath taking. Why did she make me feel all of these things, all at once?

Lauren and I shared a hug. "Why do you smell so minty?" She asked, as she clicked on her seat belt. I cleared my throat. "I ate onions for breakfast, so I had to mask the scent." I lied, driving down the street. Lauren laughed, that cute laugh of hers. "Wait. You ate onions for breakfast?" She asked.

I know she knew I was lying, but she still went along with it. "Yes. I ate onions for breakfast.." I probably sounded so stupid, but I couldn't help myself. "That's gross. So you still haven't told me where we're going onion boy." Lauren said, glancing over to me.

"That's a great question..." I said focusing on the road. "You don't even know where we're going?" She asked. I shook my head. "Do you know your way around Huntington Beach?" I asked her. She shook her head no. "Do you?"  

"No." I chuckled. "Looks like we're going to get lost together."  

"I guess so." Lauren smiled.


Zayn had been driving around for two hours, and we hadn't stopped yet. We weren't even in Huntington anymore. I'm not sure where we were, but all the houses were no longer beachy looking. They were all looked extremley expensive, with long drive ways, and nice hedges bushes some spelling out letters, others shapes, and I even saw a bush trimmed into the form of a rabbit. Some of the elegant homes even had gates around them.

"Is there a gas station somewhere?" Zayn asked. 

"I really don't know." I said. When we turned the corner Zayn slammed down on his breaks hard. I bounced foreward a bit, but thank God my seat belt protected me from hitting my head on the dash. "Oh my God are you okay?" Zayn asked concerned. I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. I stared into the street where the paparazzi, the cause of our near accident, were running in a crowd across the street.

Nobody Compares. (Lauren Jauregui 5H and Zayn Malik 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now