"I'm not trying to steal you from him. I'm glad you're with someone who appreciates you and isn't going to cheat on you like I did." I pulled my hands away and stared at my own lap. This was really uncomfortable for me.

"I need to get back to rehearsal." I told him and myself at the same time. Without looking at him, I quickly kissed him on the cheek and hurried away.

God, what the hell do I do now.

>Roman's POV<

I threw my head back laughing at what my mom was saying to Erika, Niall, and Harry.

"Mom! That isn't socially acceptable!" I warned her, jokingly.

All of a sudden, out of no where, Noelle came barging into the office, tears streaming down her face.

"Baby, what's wrong?" My mom asked in her sweet mother voice.

"Noelle?" I questioned, taking a step towards my twin.

"I never want to see your fucking girlfriend or her fucking mom ever again!" She yelled in my face, venom in her voice. Before she could storm back out, I grabbed her arm tightly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"It's all over twitter!" She stared at me. Her eyes literally penetrated mine. But she's my twin. I share the exact same eyes and I know all of the secret emotions they hold. She can act as angry as she wants, but with that there was a bit of sadness in those pupils. Ashamedly, my first instinct as her brother was to be angry at Delilah, no matter what had happen between her and Noelle.

Niall already had twitter up on his phone before Noelle was even over the threshold. I watched the adults check out what was happening. Then they all looked up at me, at the exact same time. Niall took a few steps toward me and handed over his phone.

"I think you should see this." Erika and my mom were already pulling their phones out as well to check it out even more.

It was an all out shipping war.

Team Declan, Team Roman, Team Declan, Team Roman. People were going almost Larry shipping crazy. They were all so intense on who's team they were on and all I could think was why? What happened to make people believe this was even a competition? Then I noticed a couple of retweets.

@YourPrinceDeclan: I'm in love with her...

@Noelle_Malik: @DeclanYourPrince good luck on trying to get a girl who's in love with my brother.

Oh my fucking god...I gave Niall his phone back and bolted out of there faster than lightning. My hands automatically balled into fists and I could feel my skin become boiling red. I could hear the adults calling to me and trying to keep up with me but all I could think of was my girl, MY girl, and the idiot who'd already fucked her over once before.

I barged right into the first room in the C hallway. I heard music stop but realized it wasn't Declan so I moved onto the next room and the next one. Finally I could hear his band's destinct sound through the fifth door. Right as my hand landed on the doorknob someone else's hand fell on my shoulder.

"Calm down!" Niall's voice echoed in my ear but I pulled away from him and swung the door open. It was like I was hunting an animal or something. I was so pissed that everything in the room seemed to blur together until my eyes landed on Declan's surprised face and then everything was way too clear for reality. I ran up to him, one fist in the air. I could hear everyone yelling at me to stop, but I didn't. I didn't stop when I heard more people come into the room. I didn't stop for all the hands trying to pull me away. I didn't even stop when I heard Delilah's voice behind me. I didn't stop until my fist connected with a face. Unfortanetly, it wasn't Declan. Delilah's eyes spun back into her head as she fell over onto her back, unconscious. It took me a few moments to understand what had happened. I watched everyone swarm over her and then realization smacked me in the face.

I just hit my girlfriend.


Our entire X Factor entourage took up most of the boring waiting room. Everyone had come as for Delilah. Declan sat down right beside me.

"That's really fucking stupid of you." I mumbled to him.

"You're gonna beat me up in a hospital?" He asked, rhetorically. "I'm not trying to steal your girl or anything. She's better off with you, I was just letting the world know how I felt."

"How sweet." I rolled my eyes. and stared down at the white-specked floor.

After a good 30 minutes of all of us sitting in the waiting room on twitter and about a billion follow sprees later, Delilah was finally awake. Her mom was in the room with her. Simon and Liam came in though the front doors, thousands of flashes from cameras behind them. Simon had a grim look on his face as he scanned over us all.

"Do any of you even want to be in this competition? Do any of you actually want to win?" His voice was rough and mean. We all looked around confused. "If any of you actually wanted this, you wouldn't be sitting here. You'd be rehearsing your arse's off for the show in four days." Megan rose hesitantly from her spot in the corner.

"This is our friend. I'd rather screw up on stage than not be there for her." We all looked around at each other. Wow, you go, Megan. Simon stared at Megan for a few moments before averting his eyes to Declan.

"You are in big trouble." With one agitated look he headed down the hall to Delilah's room, Liam following at his heel.

---------Author's Note---------

Yay! Finally an update! Sorry guys, I just got back from vacation and of course we didn't have wifi due to too much downloading.. Lol but the issues fixed and now updates will be regular.

Thank you guys so so so so sooo much for getting this story to 10,000 reads!! That's so incredible! Thank you! I really do appreciate you guys!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) I start school Monday, unfortunately... Let me know in the comments when you guys start school, I'm curious..

xx, Ashley.

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