Permenant love and broken promises

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Jen's POV
I woke up in mine and Liam's hotel room remembering today was the day Liam and I made our big announcement to our family's, Liam is going with Zac to a tattoo parlour in a little while since Zac wanted something new I'm not entirely sure.

I woke up to see Liam already changed and is just fixing up his hair "your not going to the tattoo parlour this early are you" I say as I roll over and stretch "early, Jen it's almost eleven thirty" he says laughing as I lay there almost on the verge of going back to sleep when there is a loud knocking at our door. "Hey Zac ready to go" Liam says as he opens the door "sure lets get going I'll drive" he says before they both leave.

After they left someone else enters our room, "wakey wakey" I hear before Harper jumps out at me with Anna following her "we thought we'd keep you company since the boys are hanging out" she says as she collapses on the bed next to me. "How are you so awake" I ask as Harper lays In between us "have kids then you'll know" she replies making us laugh.

Anna's POV
After talking to Jen for awhile harper and I decide to go and get some food from the snack bar plus it's a long walk for her so I'm attempting to tire her out since she's so hyper. I give her some dry cereals whilst I attempt to reply to an email from my agent but of course my full attention is not on Harper which she hates. I give up on trying to reply to the email since Harper was trying to feed me her snack "mommy have some" she said whilst trying to give me some from her hand "no Harper eat some now" I say whilst giving her some before Jen joins us, "feeling more awake" I ask as she sits next to us "nope still dead" she replies before Harper attempts to feed me more cereal "you eat some now, ok" I say as she begins eating some out of the bowl.


It's not long before we see Zac and Liam walk through the hotel entrance "Liam Hemsworth I swear to God you best not have some strippers name on your body" Jen jokes as him and Zac sit with us "relax I didn't get one only Zac did" he says before Zac gives me a nervous grin whilst I give him my bitch really face.

"Let's see the damage you've done" I say expecting the worst "remember the tattoo I had a few years ago, I added to it" he says as he lifts up his shirt revealing a fresh tattoo and an old one beneath it "I must admit it's not that bad" I say realising it doesn't look terrible "but do you understand why I got it?" He asks, I shake my head before he explains them to me.

"Well, when Harper was taking away from us I had her name tattooed above my heart so no matter where she was she would always be close to my heart, and then I added pretty lady above it because that's what I used to call you when we first started dating" he says before I give him a quick kiss showing him I realise his thoughtfulness, "I must admit that is goals, why won't you do anything like that for me" Jen says as she punches Liam's arm playfully "because your not a stripper" he says winking at her causing her to punch him in his manly area making us all laugh "I think you just ruined any chances of us having kids" he says as he breathes in the pain.

Jen's POV
We're all sat round a table having lunch before we leave to go home and everybody's here, my parents are talking to Liam's parents, Zac's talking to Liam and I'm talking to Anna but the only thing I can think of is the reaction they'll have to the announcement Liam and I are going to make in a little while.

"Everybody can I have your attention for a moment" Liam says as he hits the glass with the end of his knife which Harper has to copy "well done idiot" I say as Harper clinks the glasses together causing everyone to laugh, "Jen and I have an announcement to make" he says as we hold hands and look at each other smiling "I'm pregnant" I says as I cuddle into Liam's arms.

"Liam your balls work" Zac jokes before giving Liam a high five and hugging him, my parents to nobody's surprise are crying "Jen we're so happy for you" my mother says as she hugs me before going to hug Liam, Liam's parents say the same also before going to congratulate Liam who is surprisingly being dragged to the bar by Zac and my father.

"I'm so happy for you, I can't wait to meet the little jiam baby" Anna says laughing as she hugs me whilst holding one of Harper's hands "good because I'm going to be coming to your for labour advice" I say jokingly "it kills like a fucking bitch and makes you never want to have sex again" she says laughing before going to rescue Liam from doing shots with Zac.

Anna's POV
I'm so happy for Jen and Liam I knew something was up when she didn't have a glass of red wine the night of the meal and why she has been toasting with water lately. "Do you know what Jen means Harper" I ask as Zac packs everything into the small suitcase in our room "no, what she mean" she asks as I sit with her on the bed "she has a baby in her tummy" I say as she looks less confused but more upset "she broke a pwomise mommy" she said as she started crying "does she not love me anymore, is it because I live with you she is having a baby" she asks as tears stream from her eyes.

"baby let me explain this too you ok, Jen and Liam love you very much and always will, you coming to live with me and daddy has nothing to do with Jen and Liam having a baby. Sometimes promises need to be broken in order for happiness to happen, and I bet Jen and Liam are going to need your help looking after the new baby" I say as I cuddle her into me and kiss her forehead "but she pwomised that I would always be her baby" she said as she sniffled "I'll tell you what, you will always be my baby, I promise" I say as give her an Eskimo kiss. "Where is the baby mommy" she asked as I cuddled her into me "it's in Jen's tummy and the baby is this big" I say using my fingers to make a small gap "so she ate the baby" she asked shocked "sure lets go with that" I say as I didn't really want to get into that talk with a two almost three year old.

"Bye Jen, take care of yourself and congratulations" I say as I give Jen one last hug goodbye, "Harper come and say bye bye to Jen" I say as she is chasing Liam around the lobby "bye Jen" she said as I picked her up and she kissed Jen's cheek "bye bye baby Jiam" she said as she kissed and hugged Jen's stomach "don't eat too many baby's" she said making us all laugh so hard we almost fell on the floor "Jesus Christ I really need to watch what I am saying around her" I say as I continue to laugh "where'd the whole eating baby thing come from" Jen asked as she stopped laughing "it was either that or the talk what would you have done" I say as I place Harper on my hip.

A little something for my Jennifer fans 😏 I told you I had a plot lined up for Jiam 😉 what do you think is going to happen next in the storey because I've got a lot planned out!
Xoxo livia 💕💋

Parenthood doesn't require DNATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon