The Flu

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Liam's POV
Jen's been in London for the past three days and comes home on Friday, we've been texting and I've been giving her daily updates on Harper since Jen is a worried, panic prone mother who's two thousand miles away from her baby.

I noticed yesterday Harper was more clingy and not her usual self, I put it down to her being tired since she has cried for Jen almost every night until she eventually cried herself to sleep. I was downstairs in the kitchen attempting to use the washing machine when I heard coughing and sneezing coming from upstairs, I quickly ran up into Jen's room to find harper sat up in bed coughing "you ok, munchkin" I asked whilst sitting on the bed and rubbing her back "I hot" she said as she tried fanning herself with her hand "ok, we'll take your temperature and maybe go to the doctors, is that ok?" I asked as I picked her up and carried her back into the kitchen. I looked in the cabinet where Jen keeps the medicine but couldn't find a thermometer anywhere, I didn't want to text her but I had no choice.

L ~ babe where do you keep the thermometer xx
J ~ why?? xx
L ~ no reason xx
J ~ in the bathroom cupboard above the sink, but if she is sick I want to know you promised xx
L ~ I know I did but we're playing doctors and well we needed one xx
J ~ nice lying there Pinocchio, now tell me before I get on a plane home xx
L ~ Jen I promise she is fine and if she is sick I'll text you so you can come home xx
J ~ ok text me updates xx

Jesus Christ women know everything! I quickly ran into the bathroom and found the thermometer. "Harper can you say ahh" I said opening my mouth as she sat in front of me on the counter "ahh" she said opening her mouth "now hold this in your mouth and don't take it out" I said as I placed the thermometer in her mouth for a few minutes.

"39.5, ok Harper where going to go to the doctors" I said quickly picking her up and grabbing her blanket and pacifier off of the counter top, I buckled her in her car seat and quickly started the car and began driving to the local doctors.


"Hi my names Liam Hemsworth, my two year old needs to see a doctor as soon as one is available" I said to the receptionist as Harper cuddled into my shoulder and cuddled her blanket "Liam Hemsworth as in hunger games Liam Hemsworth" she said as she smiled brightly "yes, now can we see a doctor" I replied irritated "come right through, I didn't know you had a child" she said chuckling as she led me to a room "yeah, about that don't tell anyone" I said as I walked into the doctors room "don't worry, the doctor will see you in a minute" she said as she left and closed the door behind her. I sat Harper on the examination table and sat next to her on the chair "I want Mommy" she said as she began crying and coughing "hey don't cry, look have this don't cry" I said quickly placing the pacifier in her mouth in hopes it would stop her crying which luckily it did.

"Hi Mr Hemsworth, Dr Brown what seems to be the problem" he says as I stood up to shake is hand "it's my two year old, she's been clingy, tired, she woke up coughing and sneezing this morning and has a temperature of 39.5" I said as harper sat there with tears rolling down her cheeks "ok, I'm going to do a usual examination and then ask more questions" he said as he finished typing what I said on his computer. "Hi, I'm doctor brown what's your name" he said as he kneeled down in front of harper "this is Harper" I said since she wasn't going to answer "Harper can I put this in your chest, it won't hurt" he said pointing to his stethoscope, she nodded as he placed it on her chest and listened to her lungs and heart.

"Well it's not pneumonia and her heart is fine" he said as he checked his notes and the things I told him earlier "has she had a clue vaccine" he asked "uhh I don't know but probably not" I said unsure since when Jen adopted her they didn't have her health records or past vaccines "ok so my best bet is the flu" he said as he typed away at his computer "is it serious" I asked placing Harper on my lap, "it can be, but I'm going to prescribe you some medication, give two syringes full of this three times a day starting tomorrow you can ask give her pepto bismol if she complains of headaches or neurofen" he said handing me a bottle of children's flu syrup "ok thank you so much doctor brown" I said as I walked out of the doctors and back to my car.

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