Mommy daughter day

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Anna's POV
Zac left early in the morning to do some interviews and I think he has a business meeting with his publicist and managing company. I walk down the staircase with Harper on my back whose wide awake all of a sudden "what do you want for breakfast mini me?" I ask as I place her carefully on the bar stool "um cereal please" she said as she smiled all innocent and cute "anything for you" I say as I kiss her forehead before going and getting her favorite cereal from the cupboard "do you want milk with you cereal or to drink?" I ask as I get the milk out of the fridge "to drink" she replies as I place the bowl of cereal in front of her along with a sippy cup of milk "tank you" she replied as I made myself something quick as we had lots to do today.

I carry Harper upstairs and change her into a pink dress and black dr martins and tie her hair in a messy bun "all done" I say as she lays on the freshly made bed "I sleepy" she said as she rubbed her eyes "oh baby, you can sleep later I promise but not now we have lots to do I say whilst running her cheek with my finger.

I let Harper watch videos on my phone whilst I did my natural hair and makeup and picked out a causal outfit, I eventually chose my white play suit with my black leather jacket and flats. "Come on Harper lets go" I say whilst picking her up and carrying her downstairs, I made her a quick drink before setting all of our alarms and getting into my new car that arrived yesterday. Since Zac has a sports car which is nice for when we go out for a meal or away for a night but is unpractical for a child and everything that you require for a child we decided on getting the new Range Rover sport in white with black wheels and a black roof. "Now if mommy can start the car and figure out how to work it we should be just fine" I say whilst I fiddle around with the seats and everything.

2 phone calls to Zac and a YouTube video on "how to start you Range Rover sport"  later I finally started the car, we drove out of our driveway which I was a little nervous about as I've never driven a car as big as this nor expensive as this so I was determined not to scratch it on the wall.


We arrive at the first store which is a dress store since I need to find a dress for this award ceremony thing Zac is invited to which I have to attend as his plus one/date.

I walk around the store until I come across a long black dress which has a see through material on the bottom "this is gorgeous" I say as the woman helping me takes it off of the rail "it's designer and is very classy, do you wish to try it on?" She asked as I admired it on the hanger "if you don't mind" I say whilst she leads me into a dressing room, people in the store watch harper as she sleeps in her stroller.

I look at myself in the mirror as the assistant does up the back zipper "it's looks perfect on you" she says as she stores back and adjusts the train a little "I think I've found the dress" I say as I smile slightly "great, I'll place it in the back so you can collect it a few days before you event" she says as we undo the dress before she carries it to the holding place where nobody else can purchase or even see your dress. I walk back out and pay for the dress before thanking everyone and leaving.

Harper woke up whilst we were walking to the next store "you ok princess" I ask as we walk into the Louis Vuitton store "uppy" she says as she holds out her hands, I pick her up and place her on my hip before having someone help me look around "I was looking for a phone case for my new phone?" I ask as we walk around the store but I knew Zac would kill me if I came home with yet another bag, "of corse what phone model is it you have?" The assistant asked before walking off to the back to find one "it's the iPhone 6S" I say as he returns with two phone cases "that's the one I was looking for" I say as I point to the second one which was the one I saw online, I pay for it with my card before he plays it in a bag for me "glad we could help you Miss Kendrick" he says whilst I place Harper in her stroller "thanks again" I say as I leave and begin making our way back to where I parked the car.

I load up the car and get into the drivers side "Harper we should be getting home tonight, if I can remember how to start the car .... Now which thing did I press again" I say as I look for what I did before.


Zac text me whilst I was bathing Harper to say he was staying in a hotel for the night since he was to tired to drive home, "is daddy coming home?" She asked as I washed the shampoo out of her hair "no baby, but he'll be home tomorrow" I say whilst tipping some water on over her hair "how will he give me goodnight kisses" she said whilst she rubbed her tearing eyes "we'll FaceTime him, so he can give you a goodnight kiss, don't cry sweetie he'll be home soon" I say whilst I lift her out of the bath tub and wrap her up in a towel.

I get her changed into some pajamas and I change into some too since I am so tired, I FaceTime Zac as we lay on our bed "Harper wanted you to give her a goodnight kiss and to say that she misses you" I say as Harper makes faces to Zac "aww baby girl I miss you too, goodnight my angel baby sweet dreams" he says before kissing his phone "night daddy" she says before I hang up.

I cuddle Harper into me and get comfortable "mommy" she says as she sucks her pacifier "yeah baby" I reply as I stroke her hair "what was it like when I got taken away" she asked as she cuddled into me a little tighter "it was heartbreaking but your not going away anytime soon so you don't have to worry, ok" I say as I kiss her forehead "did you miss me" she asked "Harper I loved you very much and didn't go a day about thinking about my little baby girl" I say as I rest my head on top of hers "why do you love me so much" she asked as she started to rub her eyes "there's too many reasons to count, your half of me that's one reason and your bubbly and funny that's another reason but do you want to know what the most important reason is?" I ask as I look down at her, she nods and is hanging on my every word "your the only person who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside, I didn't get to see your first steps or hear your first words, all I got to see were to simple red lines and they meant the world to me" I say as I reminder the day I found out I was expecting Harper.

"But that's a story for another time, I'll tell you about it one day, how your daddy used to talk to you and kiss you whilst you were inside my tummy, how your Oma and you Opa used to buy you presents and clothes, how I used to rest cups of tea on you when you were in my tummy and about how many people loved and cherished you from the moment I found out you were growing inside of me" I whisper as I look down to see her asleep cuddled into me "I love you baby girl, never forget that" I say as I kiss her head and turn of the bed side lamp.

So what do you think, I needed a filler chapter and I thought this was cute!

I need your help, I need a nickname for Harper that Zac and Anna can call her that isn't her name shortened. Comment your ideas and I'll pick the best one and give that person a shoutout in my next chapter!
Xoxo Livia 💕💋

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