Game day ~ Part One

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Zac's POV
I wake up to see Anna still asleep and Harper slowly begins to wake up from Anna cuddling her, "carefully Harper don't wake mommy" I whispered as I loosened Anna's grip on her "morning daddy" she said as she climbed on top of me. "Do you want to make mommy breakfast in bed" I asked since there was no clear indication of Anna waking up "yeah let do that" she said as I carried her downstairs into the kitchen.

"Should we make pancakes" I ask as I get out the pancake mix "yeah with chocolate and bluwberries" she replied as I sat her on the counter next to the pancake mixture "let's start cooking" I say as I start to make the pancake mix.


I somehow carry the tray full of pancakes with three plates in one hand and Harper in the other, and they say men can't multitask! "Ok Harper you can wake up mommy now" I say as I stand her up on the bedroom floor "mommy wake up" she said as she tried to climb onto the bed "we made pancakes" I say as I place the tray on the bedside table "morning" she says stretching "morning" I reply kissing her cheek "I'm sorry" she says laughing slightly "sorry what for" I ask as I cuddle her waist "morning breath" she says laughing with her eyes still closed "it's ok just talk on an in breath" I say on an in breath making us both laugh.

"Mommy" harper says as she climbs in the middle of us ending our little morning cuddle. "Morning sweet pea" she replies whilst kissing her forehead, "well are we going to eat my freshly made pancakes or not" I ask as I place the tray in between the three of us "wait you cooked and the house is still standing" Anna said before taking a bite of a pancake "and it's edible" she added "what can I say I make some mean pancakes" I reply as I begin to eat one also "I help too" harper said with blueberries over her face "that's right you did" I said whilst trying to clean her face.

After our delicious breakfast in bed I decided to see what we could do for the day, I eventually found out there was a baseball game tonight which was a few hours drive away but it was going to be a good game and there was still one private VIP box available what can I say it was fate, now all I had to do was convince Anna to join in on the idea.

"Hey babe" I say as I walk into the kitchen where she is checking her emails whilst Harper plays next to her "ok what do you want" she asks turning around to face me "ok so there is a game tonight it's a few hours drive away but we can stay in a hotel invite a few friends so please can we go" I say begging her slightly "I don't know with Harper and the crowds" she says whilst looking over at Harper "but that's the thing, there is one remaining VIP private box away from the crowds" I say as I begin to beg again as I was desperate to go "ok fine" she says grinning "your the best, love you" I say before giving her a quick kiss and booking the tickets.


"Ok we have four seats left" I say as I sit next to Anna in the living room "I say we invite Brittany and Adam so we can get them together" she says winking at me "ok so we have two left" I say laughing as she begins to make faces at me, "what about Jen and Liam, I know Liam would enjoy it we talked about it whilst at the court" I suggested remembering the conversation I had with Liam before we talked about our upcoming movies "great idea then Jen can see Harper again" she says before we have a quick kiss and begin to text everyone the plans.

Liam's POV
I'm sat at Jen's house having a kind of lazy day since we have nothing planned when I get a text from Zac since we exchanged numbers.

( L = Liam           Z = Zac )

Z ~ Anna and I have tickets to the game tonight and have two spare tickets, we have a VIP box so away from the paparazzi, wondering if you and Jen want to come along Adam and Brittany are coming too.
L ~ hang on I'll ask her now.
Z ~ sure thing buddy.

"Hey Jen, Anna and Zac have tickets for the game tonight and have a VIP box want to go, Brittany and Adam are going too" I say as she watches the real housewives, "sure, I'll go pack an overnight bag" she replies before going upstairs to pack.

L ~ she said yes.
Z ~ cool see you at the stadium and then if our team wins you me and Adam maybe go for a few drinks in the hotel bar.
L ~ sounds like a plan see you then

I'm beginning to like having my friendship with Zac it makes it less awkward it not like I'm hanging out with some guy who took my daughter away it like I'm hanging out with a friend and I honestly think harper couldn't have a better biological dad and I can wait for the game tonight!

Hey guys so how are you enjoying the story so far and what do you think will happen at the game? Here's is two possible outcomes I haven't decided yet.

1 ~ everything goes great.
2 ~ something happens to a character *cough* *cough* Harper.

Comment what you think will happen in the next few chapters and maybe even your theory's of how the storey is going to go.
Xoxo Livia 💋💕

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