Come back to me

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Liam's POV
Jen hasn't spoken a word since last night nor did she sleep either, I forced her to eat and drink some water but I can't keep this up for much longer.

I wake up to an empty bed and automatically a million thoughts run through my mind, Jen is vulnerable and isn't thinking straight and it scares me at the thought of something she may do. After running around Jen's silent house I come across her standing in front of the window, one hand held so tight onto the window frame that her knuckles were white whilst the other held tightly to Harper's old pacifier which she held onto throughout the night.

Her hair was messily curled from the day at the doctors surgery and her makeup had run down her face and was smudged from her silent tears, this is all proving to much for me, seeing the woman I love so hurt that she can't even talk or eat all she does is silently cry as she thinks I don't notice but in reality everyone around her can sense something in the atmosphere isn't right.

I slowly walk up to her and place my hands on her waist and hug her tight as a sign of relief, "Jen, I hurt too and I know I can't take away your pain even though I wish I could just please if you want to listen to someone, listen to me and the people around you who love you not the voice inside your head, Jen I'm begging you just please please come back to me" I say as I cry into her neck.

We stay like this for awhile until she real see my grasp on her and turns to face me before throwing her arms around me and hugging be tightly "we're going to be ok Jen, I know it and everyone knows it but we need to stay together just come back to me and the people who love you" I say as she cries into my chest. "Don't go" she says almost in a whisper "who says I'm going anywhere" I say as I stroke her hair "I'm going to stay right here and we're going to talk about it until you feel better"I say as I kiss her forehead, "I love you Liam" she says as she hugs me tighter "I love you to Jen" I reply before I hug her tightly into me.

Jen's POV
Liam and I are sat in the living room together and I'm about to open up to him about my feelings, I haven't talked to anyone since my miscarriage nor have I even left the house let alone our bedroom, this is going to be hard but Liam said that he's going to stay by my side the whole time and that he won't leave which makes me feel a little more confident about opening up to him.

"Jen how are you feeling?" He asked as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder "stupid question really don't you think? Other than depressed highly emotional and a little helpless I'm fine" I reply angrily isn't it obvious. "Ok why do you feel like that, Jen I know this is hard but please try" he says attempting a weak smile.

"In the space of months I have lost two children who meant the world to me, I always wanted to be a mother and have mini me's running around but I guess it wasn't meant to be, I know we can always try again but this is different. Both Harper and our unborn child relied on me for almost everything and I failed them both, I broke promises to Harper and now she hates me and I also probably was the reason that our unborn baby didn't even make it to twelve weeks. I was looking so forward to having something to call my own something that I would love and adore more than anything else in the world and I never will get to know that feeling because the guilt and the pain of everything that's happened over these past months has ruined my experiences and makes me think I'm a failure of a mother and that if I can't even care for them that maybe I don't deserve to be a mother after all" I say as I dry my tears. "So what your saying is thar you want something to care and look after and something that will never leave you no matter what?" Liam asked as he hugged me tightly to him "in simple terms yes, I guess" I say as I cry into his chest "Jen listen to me, nothing that has happened is your fault, and I promise that you will see harper again and have a child of your own that we will love and cherish and if we don't then my name isn't Liam Hemsworth, I love you and I know that deal down Harper Still loves you and you know that too, you raised her like your own and you gave her the best start to her life you basically rescued her from a life in an orphanage by the looks of it and that is act of love that will top everything and I something harper will never forget, she just needs time to adjust and we need to learn that what we say will result in consequences with Anna and Zac. Who just want what's best for Harper, I'm sorry that I somewhat caused you some of this pain by arguing with Anna and Zac and I promise to talk to them soon but first I have to go get something but I'll be back" he says before kissing my cheek and slamming the front door behind him and starting his car, what on earth has this man got into his head this time!

Liam's POV
Jen said that she wanted something to care for and look after but also something she could love unconditionally so it would never leave her and I have the perfect idea which may actually fill the hole in her heart that everything has caused!

You probably all know what the surprise is but you can still guess if you want to, I hope your enjoying where the story is going and I hope my writing is good and it isn't falling short of excitement or plot twists!
Vote, comment and share if your feeling kind!
Xoxo Livia 💕💋

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