Playdate with Papa

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Jen's POV
One thing I've learnt on this trip is that Harper is definitely a grandpas girl and has my dad wrapped around her little finger. "Mommy" I heard before Harper sat on my stomach, I carefully opened my one eye to see the time 6:30. I tried to pretend I was still asleep but she didn't fall for it, "if you fall back asleep I'm going to lick you" she said with her face inches away from mine "I know what you do with your mouth, that's gross so I'm up" I said moving her off of me so she couldn't lick me "why are you up so early" I asked as I rolled over to face her "I don't know, I only this many" she replied whilst holding up two fingers making me laugh.

After trying and failing to get her to sleep longer I gave in and carried her downstairs so I could make us breakfast but found my mom and dad already downstairs "what are you doing up so early" I asked placing Harper on the floor so she could go and play, "we always get up this early, looks like your going to be now with your new alarm clock" my dad said laughing and indicating to Harper who was all of a sudden full of energy "why can't she sleep in till at least 10:30" I replied placing my head on the kitchen table. We ate breakfast and watched the news which was about Harper and I arriving in Kentucky "we're everywhere, I even had an alert on my phone" I joked as we continued watching, "what are we going to do today?" Mom said as the news finished its last story "I was going to go and see Andy" I said whilst Harper played on my phone "I'll come with you, I can talk and have a catch up with Claire" my mom replied "are you going to take Harper or not" my dad asked whilst he drank some coffee "I don't think so, not just yet anyway I don't want Harper to get confused or for Andy to scare her as he can be very excited around new people" I replied "I think thats a very mature decision" my dad replied as he stood up to place his empty cup in the dishwasher "you'll be ok with Harper for a few hours won't you dad" I asked "yeah we'll be fine don't worry won't we" he said picking up Harper and spinning her around as she laughed.

I carried Harper upstairs so we could start getting ready "where you going" she asked as I looked for an outfit in my wardrobe "mommy's going to see a friend with grandma" I said as I changed in to the outfit I picked out "and me" she asked as she sat on my bed "no baby, your going to have fun with papa" I replied stroking her cheek with my finger "okay" she replied whilst playing with her stuffed bunny "do you like this outfit harps" I asked holding up a dress and some sandals, she nodded so I dressed her and lightly curled her hair and added a orange bow which matched the sandals "all done" I said whilst picking her up and carrying her back downstairs so myself and my mom could leave "there's my little grandbaby" my mom said whilst taking Harper out of my arms and kissing her "Claire and Andy are home so we can leave now" my mom said whilst handing Harper off to my dad "ok, have fun baby girl Mommy will be home soon" I said kissing her and stroking her hair "bye bye" she replied smiling and waving "we'll be fine don't worry" my dad said putting his hand on my shoulder and kissing my forehead "come on Jen" my mom said as we walked out of the door "bye Mommy, bye gwandma" Harper said from the door whilst blowing kisses.

Jeremy's POV
So Karen and Jennifer just left to go and see Claire and Andy who live down the road from us so it's just Harper and I in the house, at the minute Harper is running around the living room laughing. "Harper want to go to the park" I asked since she was full of energy "we go now" she asked as she stood in front of me "yeah we'll go to the park right now" I said taking her hand and walking out of the front door with her, I locked the door and we started walking to the park which was a little walk to the end of our street.


Once we reached the empty park I let go of harpers hand "you can run around now until you get tired" I said as she walked around a little looking at everything "papa, what that" she asked pointing to the slide "that's a slide, you climb up the steps and sit down and you'll slide down to the bottom" I replied whilst holding her hand as she climbed the steps up "papa look" she said as she slid down the slide on her own "wow, you went really fast" I said helping her off of the end.

She went up and down the slide about fifty times and she never got bored. I looked at my phone and realised I had a text and a missed call from both Jennifer and Karen "Harper mommy and grandma, are home" I said as she slid down the slide again "let go see them" she said pointing back to where the house was "ok let's go" I aid whilst taking her hand and walking out of the park to be greeted by a panicked Jennifer and Karen trying to clam her down. "Oh thank god, there you both are" Karen said breathing a sigh of relief "where did you think we were" I replied laughing "we thought something terrible had happened especially when you didn't answer our calls or texts" Jennifer relied whilst claiming herself down "mommy and gwandma silly" Harper said laughing in my arms "yes they are, Harper go and give mommy a hug she's been really scared" I said pushing her towards Jen "I ok mommy, we played on slide in the park" she said resting her head on Jen's shoulders "I know, I was scared that's all" Jen said whilst picking her up and placing her on her hip.

Ever since Jennifer got Harper she has really matured and grown up, my little girl with big dreams at fourteen has grown and matured into a lovely and beautiful young woman. And it's only know I'm beginning to realize my baby is no longer a baby, she has her own baby's to care for now.

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