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Anna's POV
It's been a week since the whole hospital drama and Harper is now back to her usually self, we haven't heard from Jen and Liam nor have we spoken to them but I hope we can meet up maybe on special occasions but it's going to take time but I regret saying what I said but I was upset and angry.

At the the moment we're all down stairs eating breakfast waffles, Harper doesn't know about what happened between us, Jen and Liam and we intend to keep it that way. After Harper finished eating she goes off to the living room to play giving me and Zac time to talk, "we need to talk about Jen and Liam" I say as I eat a bit of waffle "what's their to talk about" Zac replies as I know he didn't want to talk about this "we can't stop them from seeing her as much as we want too their apart of her lives just like we are" I say whilst holding his hand from across the table, "you've got a point, I guess I didn't really mean what I said I was just angry at the time and automatically lost it" he says as he looks down at the newspaper article about Harper's hospital stay but luckily they didn't find out why she was in hospital.

After we'd finished our talk we started to clean around in the kitchen "you mad at auntie Jenny and uncle weirdo" I turn around to see Harper standing there "no baby where did you hear that" I say kneeling down I front of her "you and daddy talking about them" she said as she sucked her thumb, I gave Zac a nervous look before picking her up and placing her on the counter top "listen to Mommy ok, we're not mad at Jenny or Liam and you'll see them soon and maybe this time you won't go to the hospital" I saying winking at her "ok, what we do today" she said smiling forgetting the whole conversation "I have an idea you two get changed I have somewhere to go won't be long" Zac said as he left in his running gear after his morning run "mysterious" I say before carrying Harper upstairs to get her changed into some casual clothes before I get changed into leggings and one of Zac's hoodies and my black nike running shoes since I had no idea what he had planned.


Zac eventually returned from his mysterious trip out and ran into the living room where we were sitting "Harper I have a surprise for you" he says as he picks her up and carries her outside towards the front door "surprise" Zac says as he opens the door to reveal a pink beach bike which is Harper's size "I'm going to start teaching you to ride a bike" he says as he kisses Harper cheek "let do it now" she said as she clapped her hands in sake arms.

Whilst Zac took the stabilizers off her bike I out her helmet on "you ready to ride a bike" I say as we wait for Zac on the step outside the front door "I'll put the stabilizers back on when we're done but this is to teach her balance" Zac said as he wheeled the bike on the grass "I scared" she said as she held onto my hand tightly "Harper, I won't let you go I promise" Zac said as he held the bike with his one hand "pwomise you won't let go" she says as she lets go of my hand slowly "I promise munchkin" Zac said as I turned and walked back to the step so I could sit down.

I watched as Harper placed her feet on the pedals and Zac gave her a little push and before I knew it she and Zac were wobbly ridding around our front garden, I began taking photos and videos for mine and Zac's Instagram because if I'm honest it was one of the cutest daddy daughter moments I'd ever seen!

Zac kept his promise and didn't let go she got off her bike and ran up to me "I'm so proud of you baby" I say as I pick her up and spin her around before planting a kiss on her forehead. After I placed Harper on my hip I realized Zac had his phone out and was pointing it at Harper and I "common give me a little mommy daughter action" Zac said whilst taking photos and videos of Harper and I.

Whilst Harper had a nap we edited the photos and videos we took and posted them on social media. I captioned the picture of Harper and Zac in the garden "daddy's princess 💖" .

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