A Picture worth a million words

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Anna's POV
To show harper how much she is loved and adored we are throwing a little "why we love you" party with all of our closest friends and family, some of Zac's family even flew out to attend it which sums up the love they have for her.

"A pancake for a princess" Zac said as he kissed her forehead and placed a pancake in front of her "and some coffee for the queen" he said placing a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of me "and for the king a kiss" he said as he puckered up his lips and closed his eyes, well I had to take this opportunity with both hands and hit him on the lips with a rolled up newspaper "maybe a coffee instead" he said laughing before returning with a cup of coffee. "Mommy why you dwink coffee all the time" Harper asked as she crawled onto my lap, "it's gives me energy and helps me wake up" I say as I read an email at the same time.

Harper's POV
After breakfast, daddy and I played doctors and watched TV together which was really really really fun!

"Harper come on, we have to get ready for the party" mommy said as she picked me up and carried me into hers and daddy's room, "do you like this dress or this dress" she said holding up two dresses "I don't know, I only this many" I say holding up two fingers "oh baby, your so smart" she said as she kissed my head leaving a red lipstick mark on my forehead.

Anna's POV
Whilst Zac was in the shower I dressed harper in a navy dress with a checkered pattern along the bottom with her black Dr martins with black socks, I quickly brush out her hair but she won't sit still long enough for me to braid it so I tie her hair up in a messy bun, "all done sweet pea" I say as I lift her out of my makeup chair and clean around the house a little since the cleaner had left after her morning shift.

It isn't long before the first of the guests arrives and its Zac's parents "oh Anna, we heard what happened how is she?" Zac's mother asked as she hugged me whilst holding a bottle of wine in the other, "she's ok, we just wanted to show her that she is loved" I reply before she goes off to play with Harper in the living room.

Harper's POV
There is a lot of people in our house who I don't know and it's really scary because I can't see Mommy or Daddy anywhere, I cling to nana's side since I can't find anyone I know who I trust.

After awhile of hugging to nana's legs I see someone I know and trust talking to a large group of people "auntie bribri help me" I say as I run into her arms "Harper what's wrong" she says as she picks me up and I cling my arms around her neck "did you get lost in the people" she asks as she cuddles me into her "yes and I was really really scared" I reply before the people she was talking to coo over me.

I'm about to look up to see who they are when I feel myself being lifted ingot he air before I'm cuddled into someone, I know this smell from anywhere, it's sweet and smells like flowers "mommy" I say whilst I hug her tightly, "Harper I want you to me some people" mommy said before I lifted my head from the side of her neck "this is your auntie Liz, your Auntie Rebel, auntie Hailee and your auntie Ester" she says pointing to each of them.

Anna's POV
"OMG she is the cutest baby I've ever seen" Ester says as she smiles and plays with Harper's hands, "she is pretty cute" Elizabeth said smiling before drinking some wine "pretty cute? More like adorable" Hailee said as she smiled and cooed over her Harper, "I think she looks like me" Rebel said making everyone laugh.

"Can I please kidnap her and pose her as my own daughter" Hailee said as we walked into the kitchen to get more drinks, "no, I stay with Mommy" Harper said as she cuddled into me "I think that answers your question" I say laughing. "Mommy come play" Harper said as she tried pulling me into the backyard "honey, I can't not right now, Mommy has to go talk to people" I say whilst I take a sip of some red wine, "harper, I'll play with you if you want" Hailee said as she knelt down to Harper's level "yeah let go auntie Hailee" Harper said as she pulled Hailee out to the backyard "aw she called me auntie Hailee" she said before helping Harper outside, "have fun" I yell laughing before talking to some producers I've worked with in the past.

Hailee's POV
After being dragged outside by Harper I saw Brittany giving me a look "jealous" I say laughing as Harper holds my hand and pulls me down to the grass area, "what do you want do Harper" I asked as I knelt down to her level "um .. Tag your it" she says as she taps my shoulder before running away from me "I'm gonna get you" I say as I chase her around the garden. "Ah got you" I say as I pick her up and spin her around in my arms as she laughed "oh your so cute" I say as I place her back on the floor.

After chasing her a little longer she is officially tired out, I take out my phone and take loads of pictures of her and even took a few selfies with her which were beyond adorable. "Harper do you want to go inside for a drink?" I ask as she sits next to me on the grass "yes pwease" she said as I stood up and dusted myself "uppy" she said as she raised her hands up in the air, I picked her up and carried her inside bouncing a little on the way making her laugh, she's just so adorable!

I give Harper her sippy cup from the side that Anna made early "looks like I found myself a babysitter" I heard from behind me I turned around to see Anna laughing with her phone out "anytime, any place I don't charge" I say laughing "when can your start?" She asked jokingly "she's such an angel, I'd happily babysit for you anytime" I reply before Zac walks in "Harper and angel in the same sentence?" He said as he took her from my arms, "of corse she is, she is an adorable little angel" I say as I played with Harper in Zac's arms, "so far we have two full time babysitters auntie Brittany and now auntie Hailee, we're going to have loads of free nights" Anna said laughing before Harper crawls into her arms.

Anna's POV
The party was a huge success, I just put Harper too bed, she went done really easily as she was so tired after having Hailee chase her.

Zac and are cuddled on the sofa when an alert comes through on my phone saying Hailee had tagged me in some photos. All the pictures are of her and Harper playing and there are some adorable selfies of them that I can't help but save, each are captioned differently.

"Playing with this little angel is a delight 🙈"
"@Itsannakendrick I'm stealing her 😍"
"@hey_itsbritt @itsannakendrick, auntie Hailee is tha bomb 💕👑 #harilee #betterthanbrittany 😏"
"I want one 💕🌎"

I smiled at all of the pictures before replying to one of them "@hailee_steinfledxoxo looks like someone loves their auntie Hailee 💕👭 @hey_itsbritt what you gunna do girl 😏" I comment before Brittany replies

"@hailee_steinfledxoxo oh hell na bitch 😂 Harper is my girl and everybody know that😏👌"

"@hey_itsbritt oh your a hard one aren't ya 😂 fight me bitch 👊👋 #auntiehaileefordawin" Hailee replies which had me in tears

"Now now children there will be no fighting @hey_itsbrit sit down and take your meds 😂💊 and @hailee_steinfledxoxo back off my main bitch 👊👋"

I comment before they start a whole social media warfare which wouldn't be the first time. I'm glad harper is bonding withe everyone from pitch perfect because I really want to start spending more time with them again!

So guys what do you think?
Are you #teamHailee or are you #teamBrittany
Hope your enjoying the story so far!
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Xoxo Livia 💕💋

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