Finiding out

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Liam's POV
I woke up and realised I didn't have any plans for the day so I texted Josh to see if he wanted to hang out for the day.

( L = Liam J = Josh )

L ~ hey buddy, wanna hang out today so bored!
J ~ I was about to ask you the same thing, got a new video game want me to bring it over?
L ~ cool, maybe later Jen could come over haven't heard off of her lately
J ~ good idea, I'll be over in half an hour
L ~ see you then

After I'd finished texting him I went to the store quickly realising I had no food or drink in my apartment. I pulled up and parked my car in the parking lot and quickly ran inside before I got noticed by anyone or the paparazzi made a surprise appearance. I walked in and noticed the newspapers first with Jen on the front page, I walked over to them to see what all the headlines were about "mysterious girl" one said in big bold writing indicating to Jen and a young girl probably about the age of two, I looked at another to check it wasn't a rumour and a photoshopped picture "Jennifer Lawrence spotted in LAX airport with a young girl" was the headline. I picked up both of the newspapers to show Josh and too read what it was all about, I picked up everything else's I needed which was beer, snacks and some movies before heading back out to my car.

I pulled into to my apartment block and saw Josh sat on his motorcycle "hey dude" he said as he ran up to help with the bags "alright buddy, I've got something to show you when we get inside" I replied trying to be serious "if it's a striper, I don't want to know" he replied laughing "unless Jen is a striper and made front page on the newspapers, it's not a striper" I replied before we both ran into my apartment. "Ok what has happened" he said placing the bags in the counter top "right allow me to explain, I didn't have any food here so I went to the store to grab some, I walk in the store and this is posted on every front page of the newspapers" I said throwing the two newspapers down on the counter for him to see, "maybe it's photoshopped or something" he said examining the picture carefully "I already checked its real" I replied flipping to the correct page to read the story, "she doesn't have a niece or any young realities so that's out of the question" he replied as he red his article "who is that kid" I asked since the article gave no useful information at all "call Jen or text her, only way we'll get the truth" he replied as we walked over and sat on the couch, I decided to text Jen to see what all these story's were about and if they were true.

( L = Liam J = Jen )

L ~ Jen mind explaining to Josh and I why your on every front page of the newspapers holding a child? x
J ~ uhh ... I'll Skype you both later and I promise I'll explain everything x
L ~ Jen what have you done x
J ~ nothing ... Maybe a little Something x

"She said she is going to Skype us later and explain everything" I said whilst Josh set up the video game "that is never s good sign" he replied whilst handing me a controller "well I'll guess we'll find out sooner or later" I said as the game started.


Josh and I are sat on the couch watching a movie and eating when we hear my laptop, with the Skype ringtone "that's Jen" Josh said whilst I ran and picked up my laptop. I answered the call to reveal Jen sat in her parents home in Kentucky "hey" she said whilst fiddling around with her laptop "hi Jen, so explain who's the kid you were seen in the airport with" I said immediately asked as she looked at us both "long story short, I adopted a child last week" she replied "and you didn't tell us" Josh said "I didn't even tell my parents until two days after" she replied "I'm sorry you guys, I should've told you" she said looking really sad "it's ok we were worried that's all" I replied breathing a sigh of relief since it could've been worse "so when do we get to meet this little cutie" Josh asked "soon I promise as soon as we're back from Kentucky, you'll be the first to see her" she said smiling "where is she now" I asked hoping we could talk to her "I'll get her now, I honestly have no idea myself" she replied laughing before leaving to go and find her typical Jen "here she is, harper meet uncle Liam and uncle Josh" she said sitting harper on her lap "hey harper" Josh and I said softly admiring how much she looked like Jen, "Jen she is gorgeous" Josh said whilst taking a sip of his beer "I know right" she replied whilst harper hid her face in Jen's top "we have to go now but we'll see you soon" she said whilst fiddling with the laptop again "ok see you" Josh and I said before she ended the call. "Omg that could've been a lot worse, I thought she was secretly pregnant or something" Josh said laughing "same, she's cute though" I replied "yeah, she looks like Jen when she was younger" he replied "I know I was thinking that too" I replied before we continued to watch the movie we paused to talk to Jen.

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