Nail salon

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Jen's POV
I wake up to the smell of pancakes and I instantly feel the urge to puke, "sorry, I forget your sensitive to smells" I heard Liam shout before he came upstairs and held back my hair whilst handing me a cup of water, "it's fine just something we have to get used too" I say as I sip some water "so how does pancakes and bacon sound?" He asked before I puked again "ok so I take that as a no then" he said laughing whilst holding back my hair.

I'm eating cereal since I didn't really rant pancakes and bacon when I get a text from Anna.

A ~ hey, Harper and I are going to get our nails done for that award ceremony, want to come along? x
J ~ sure sounds like fun! Might actually help me relax x
A ~ relax and Harper in the same conversation oh honey your going to have a shock when that baby arrives 😂 x
J ~ hmm good point maybe excitable is a better word 😂 x
A ~ more like chaos! I've wanted the salon on our arrival x
J ~ thats a good idea give them a warning x
A ~ anything under two meters high that's expensive or breakable should be moved to a completely different country! 😂 x
J ~ wish us luck 😂 x
A ~ easy for you to say you can just say you have no idea who we are 😂x

God sounds like today is going to be eventful!

Anna's POV
We're meeting Jen at the salon I'm a little while, one of my friends Alex works there and has cancelled all of his appointments so we won't get bombarded by people, he also said he can't wait to give Harper her first Manicure and Pedicure.

I change Harper into a pink star dress and white sanders and tie her hair in a ponytail before going out to my car which I finally learnt how to start and rice after two hours of sitting in the rain watching YouTube videos, "this is going to be so much fun baby" I say whilst I buckle her into her car seat "and auntie Jen come too" she asked as I gave her her baby blanket "yes auntie Jen is coming too" I say before shutting her door and getting into the drivers side.

I pull up outside the salon and see a mob of paparazzi waiting outside like vultures waiting for its pray to die, they haven't seen my new car yet and are unaware it's me until I get out, I unbuckle Harper and carry her into the salon as Alex holds the salon door open for me. "It's so lovely to see you again" I say whilst hugging him after placing harper down on the floor "you too, and this must be Harper my youngest client" he said as he knelt down to Harper's level "oh she's so cute" he says before leading us over to the chairs to get our nails done.

Jen hasn't arrived yet so I let Alex start Harper's pedicure since we can't wait all day, "which color would you like miss Harper" Alex said as he held up two shades of pink nail polish. She chooses a hot pink for her toe nails so we can hide it and a natural baby pink for her finger nails, "your so small I have to sit on the footrest" Alex says as Harper hangs her feet off the edge of the seat "that tickle" she said as Alex started painting her toenails "does it, don't move otherwise you'll end up with pink feet" he says as he holds Harper's foot still, I take a picture and post it too my Instagram and Twitter with the caption "manicure and pedicure for baby girl by the amazing @hey_its_alex 💖💅".

As Alex starts on my manicure Jen final arrives "sorry I'm late the tragic was terrible" she says whilst closing the salon door "Sarah will do yours for you Jen whilst I finish off Anna's" Alex says whilst he files down my nails. Jen only gets a manicure since she already had a pedicure done whilst Harper sits on my lap and makes faces at Alex. "so how have you been feeling" I ask "terrible, cramps and morning sickness and just everything" she replies whilst I wait for my nails to dry "it's a pain in the ass, I never had cramps but I had morning sickness" I reply as I can never remember having cramps this early on in pregnancy "wait so cramps aren't normal?" She asked concerned "I'm not saying it's not normal I'm just saying I never had them this early on in pregnancy but just bring it up when you go for your twelve week scan" I reply which calms her down a little bit "so what is labor like" she asks laughing "you don't want to know all I'm saying is I hope Liam isn't squeamish or scare of blood" I say laughing "oh god he is going to be so panicky" she says laughing "nothing can beat Zac, he lost his car keys and found them in his jeans pocket then when we got to the hospital he fell asleep for two hours whilst I was screaming in pain and then when it was time to push he fainted" I say showing her pictures his parents took of him passed out in the waiting room "I hope Liam isn't that bad" she says "just make sure he doesn't fall asleep I could've killed Zac but instead two weeks later I hooked him up to a birthing simulator, had the same effect" I say showing her the video of Zac attached to the birthing simulator "it doesn't hurt that much does it?" She asked as she watched as Zac screamed and rolled around "the real thing is worse but I don't want to scare you" I say as I pay Alex for mine and Harper's nails. "I'll see you soon" I say as I hug Jen "see you soon, I need you to fix me up for an award ceremony in a few weeks" I say as I turn and hug Alex "oh honey good because I was getting concerned" he said playfully before handing Harper a lollipop "that's right feed my kid sugar just as I'm about to take her home" I say as I punch his arm "what she looks so cute and innocent" he says as he pinches her cheeks "say that when she wakes you up at eight in the morning" I say before picking her up so she can kiss Jen good bye "bye Harper see you soon" Jen says as she kisses Harper's now sticky cheek "thanks now for my lovely new car to get covered in sticky lollipop" I say as I walk out of the salon door and to my car "do not get that anywhere on the car" I say as I buckle her in "ok mommy I won't" she says smiling before she goes back to eating it "well at least it will keep you quiet for the car ride home" I say before getting into the drivers side and beginning the drive home.

Keep commenting nickname ideas for Harper best one will be used and the person will get a shoutout!
Xoxo Livia 💕💋

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