The Ellen Show

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Anna's POV
Today I an appearing on the Ellen show which was arranged for a few weeks ago but with everything that happened we rearranged it for today. Harper is going to wait in the green room with Zac since we're unsure if Ellen wants them to appear on the show.

We get arrive at the studio before I am led to wait in my dressing room whilst Ellen begins her introduction and plays a game with the audience before I am introduced for my interview.

"Give it up everybody for the lovely Anna Kendrick" Ellen says before I walk out on stage to an uproar of cheers from the audience "thank you for having me here today" I say as I hug her before sitting down. "Thank you for attending, so how's the acting career going?" she asked "it's going really good, Zac and I fly out to Hawaii in a few months to begin shooting a movie which I unfortunately can't tell you about just yet" I say as I smile at the audience "Hawaii! I think I might go into the acting industry" she says making myself and the audience laugh. "Enough about you, I'm not sure about anybody else but I want to hear about Harper" she said as the audience cheered loudly "Harper is great, she is like a hyperactive puppy at the minute and is constantly asking questions and also is becoming almost like a parrot and picks up on everything Zac and I say" I replied laughing as the audience cooed over pictures of Harper "what kind of questions does she ask?" Ellen asked as she laughed "the other day she asked where baby's are since one of my friends recently found she was pregnant and when I said in their mommy's tummy she thought I meant that my friend ate the baby, so I just left the conversation there" I say as the audience burst into a fit of laughter. "I see also that she follows you fashion wise" Ellen said as a picture comes up on the screen of Harper wearing my sunglasses, heels and carrying my handbag "this happens a lot quite often I'll come home take my shoes and my handbag and my sunglasses and Harper will put on the sunglasses and put on the heels with the handbag and totter around saying "I'm going to work, I'm going to work!" But I don't think she knows what work is" I say whilst laughing "and Harper is here with you today with Zac" she asks smiling "yes she's in the green room with Zac playing" I say as videos start playing of Harper in the green room, "we'll go and see her now, but one final question, has she seen Jennifer and Liam recently?" She asked "she saw them yesterday and we went out for dinner and stayed in a hotel along with them and their family" I reply before some staff get another chair for Zac since he is going to appear with Harper.

"So what do you say we bring Harper out everybody" Ellen says before the audience goes nuts and starts cheering as Harper walks out whilst holding Zac's hand "hi I'm Ellen, are you Harper" Ellen asked as she knelt down to Harper's level "hi I Harper" she replies as the audience coo over her making her laugh "can I have a hug" Ellen asks before Harper gives her a hug and climbs into my lap "isn't she a cutie, I want one where can I purchase one" she says as Harper sits on my lap and smiles and waves to the audience "you won't be saying that when you have her in a car for two hours" Zac said making everyone laugh "two hour long car ride and a two year old is the best form of birth control available" I say making the audience laugh even more "she can't be that bad she's so cute" Ellen says as Harper smiles and looks like an angel "both of her parents are actors, she is a naturally she is totally acting" Zac says as he laughs at Harper acting all innocent when really she is mischievous "no I not" Harper replied as she gives Zac a sassy look "your acting all innocent for the people when in reality your a little sassy two year old actress in the making" Zac replied whilst he ruffled up her hair "I a better actor than you" she said said causing us all to laugh even Zac "Harper, do you have daddy wrapped around your little finger" Ellen asked as Harper laughed "yes I daddy's princess" she said as she kissed Zac's cheek "can I get an Oscar over here please" Zac said making the audience "shut up she's a perfect angel" I say punching Zac as Harper cuddles into me "I can't win" Zac said as he laughed as Harper stuck her tongue out at him making the audience laugh.

"As much as I'd like to sit here and watch a cuteness overload we have unfortunately run out of time but don't worry I can ensure you that Harper will be making reappearances on my show, bye bye folks" Ellen said as she waved to the camera.

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