Bedtime storys

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Anna's POV
We've been driving for around two hours and we're just driving up the driveway to our house, Harper slept most of the drive and woke up when we were half an hour away.

"You ok baby" I asked as Zac pulled into the garage "I sleepy" she replied whilst yawning and rubbing her eyes "I bet after all that playing you did today" Zac said as he turned off the engine.

"Mommy uppy" she said as she hugged my legs tightly "ok, hold on one second" I replied as I unbuckled her from her car seat and placed her on my hip, "you ready to see your new home" I said as I hugged her closer into me, she nodded and began sucking her thumb whilst resting her head on my shoulder. Zac opened the door and placed her suitcases in the foyer "welcome home little one" Zac said as he took Harper out of my arms and began showing her around the house.


After showing Harper around the house we cuddled on the couch in our pajamas eating vanilla puffs that were meant to be for Harper's snack but she was finding it more entertaining to feed them to myself and Zac. "Mm tasty" Zac said as He had a handful of vanilla puffs shoved in his mouth "now Harper eat some" I said as I gave her some from my hand.

After Harper had finished eating Zac thought it would be hilarious to start a tickle war "don't you fucking dare" I said as he climbed on top of me and began tickling me "get mommy" Harper said as she joined in and began tickling me also, "I'm gonna get you" I said as I began tickling her making her do the cutest laugh ever. "Mommy stop, stop mommy" she said in between laughs whilst Zac recovered from me kicking and punching him, well he should know never to tickle me.

"Ok bedtime" I said since it was getting late "but I not tired" she replied whilst yawning "oh really then why are you yawning" I said as I tickled her "do you want daddy to read you a bedtime story" Zac said as he sat next to us "yeah bedtime story" she said happily as she clapped and cheered.

Whilst Zac made Harper a bottle of milk for bed and got a book from the study I carried her upstairs to brush her teeth and get her ready for bed. "Let's brush your teeth" I said as I got her toothbrush from her suitcase, I sat her on the bathroom counter and started brushing her teeth. "there you go all done" I said whilst wiping her face, "do you want your bunny and your blanket" I asked as I carried her back into mine and Zac's room since none of the other bedrooms were suitable yet, she nodded as she claimed under the covers of our king size bed she looked tiny amongst all of the decorative pillows "here you go, let's move these pillows so you can sleep" I said laughing as her head began sinking in between the gaps of them.

Zac eventually came upstairs and handed Harper the milk he made her and a story book that we bought when I was pregnant with her "once upon a time there was a girl called Harper who had a Scarlett umbrella" he said as he started the story.

He didn't even make it half way before Harper was asleep cuddled into us, we both smiled as she looked so peaceful. "Love you" he said as he kissed me goodnight "sweet dreams princess" he said as he softly kissed Harper's head.

Liam's POV
We just got home from the court, the car ride home was silent which was understandable, Jen looked truly heartbroken first she loses her daughter and then the daughter she loves so much doesn't want to say goodbye I can only imagine the pain she's feeling right now.

I open the front door to Jen's house as she drys some stray tears in her eyes, as we walk into the foyer we greeted by the mountains of boxes but at the moment moving is the last thing on our minds. Jen hangs up our coats whilst I look for somewhere to place our shoes amongst the boxes and fan mail being sent here for both Jen and I as well as sponsored gifts.

As we walk into the living room the first thing we see is the mountain of toys Harper was playing with before we left this morning, I see Jen shed a tear before she goes and begins tidying away the toys and things on the floor "are you ok Jen" I ask as I rub her back "I'm fine, it's not like we're never going to see her again" she says as she wipes away the tears from her eyes.

As I sit down on the couch next to Jen cuddled next to one another I feel as though something is shoved between the two couch cushions, so I place my hand in between them to see what it is assuming it was the TV remote since we can never find. I eventually find what's wedge between the couch cushions it was one of Harper's pacifiers, I just stare at it before the realization sets in that Harper is no longer living with us and is not upstairs asleep in Jen's room, it's only now becoming real that she isn't with us. I look at Jen before she breaks down in my arms crying "Jen please don't cry please" I said as I started crying also, after comforting Jen until late I decided the best we could do is sleep and see what tomorrow brings.

I carry Jen upstairs and place her in her bed since she can't stop crying, I kiss her cheek before turning out the bed sight lamp but she didn't say nothing or even move she just kept staring at the pacifier that sat on her bed side table as tears fell from her face onto her pillow.

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