It's A Cycle

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I was woken up by cold sticky tape being stuck onto my mouth to muffle any noise. I shot my eyes open and screamed, but it was barely audible, I was also being tied up. My hands were tied together by rope, it was so tight it burned. My jaw clenched as I tried not to cry from fear, I can't do this, I'm not  powerful enough. I looked up to see Felix looking down at me, I must be dreaming. This has got to just be a nightmare, I'll wake up soon enough right?

Felix looked shocked before he spoke, "Well, well, well. I can still hear your thoughts, which only means one thing. It looks like little miss Becca has not turned full vampire yet. Explains why you've lost your eye color." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, what does he mean I am not a full vampire? 

"I mean that you haven't drank from a human. You have only had animal blood, and you haven't hunted." He explained.

I was about to speak until I remembered that I can't, but he can still hear my thoughts. So I thought up a question, 'When you kidnapped me, you gave me blood and told me it was human?' 

Felix shook his head, "I lied, every newborn vamp deserves their first time with a human to be special and caught by themselves from their hunting abilities. I had to teach you how to hunt first, I wasn't just going to hand over the group's own caught prizes, you earn it yourself. Taste better that way." He explained murderously. 

My eyes widened, I didn't want to hurt people though. I don't have the heart to do it. 

I whimpered in pain when Felix wrapped his hand around my neck, "Oh, darling. You don't have a heart period. And you feel that," He tightened his grip, "that pain will never be felt again after you're turned. And with your little friend that we've got in the car, she would of never let you become who you are; a vampire. But I'm a good person, and I'm going to allow you to become what you are." 

'But I don't want to hurt anybody!' I shouted in my head. 

Felix laughed, "See, that's the thing with you humans. Even with half vamps. You're so weak and vulnerable, you're basically worthless. But I can change that, just come with me," He paused for a moment before speaking once more, "oh wait, you don't have a choice!" 

He grabbed me and threw my body over his shoulder, I screamed and squirmed in attempts to free myself but I soon realized that there was no point. I just stood still, I didn't move or even put up a fight. I am weak, after all. I was thrown into the van, and looked to my side to see that Sam was also with me, starring at me with both anger and fear in her eyes. Her and I both knew that she was in trouble, that she wouldn't make it. They would most definitely kill her after all she's done to their group. Plus, she's a vampires biggest enemy, a werewolf. I began to cry at the thought of losing her, but I stopped when I heard her inside my head. Apparently, wolves and vamps have the ability to talk to one another through thoughts. 

'Becca, the very second that we get out of this van, I do not want you to worry about me any longer. I have gone through this before, I can survive. What I need you to do is worry about yourself from here on out, do not worry about me or anybody but you. You do whatever you need to do to survive, I know you can do this. You have it in you. I never thought I'd be saying this but it's what's best for you. Felix is going to teach you how to use your abilities, hunt, fight, and after all of that is over he will take you to their territory woods. This is where he will allow you to hunt for a human and drink from them, this will cause you to transform. I knew from the very night I saved you, that you were not full vamp. I knew because your eyes were still the bright baby blue I always admired, I could still read your thoughts, you had body heat, your heart still beat, and you were kind. This is why I didn't want them to get to you, I knew it wasn't too late to save you. But for your own safety, allowing Felix you transform you is the only route there is for your survival and mine too. I am going to get out of there alive, that's a promise. I've planned this out for months, my plan is ready and will take action the very second we arrive, and I should be out of there by the end of the week. I will come for you, I promise. Just promise me, that you will be strong and survive. Don't let them completely take you, keep your kindness, and keep yourself. Just because you're immortal, doesn't mean you will lose your kindness and beautiful personality. Don't let them take that away. I will save you, Becca, and it will all be okay in the end. Just hang in there and do whatever you can to survive. Do you promise me?' She whispered into my head with alertness and fire in her words, it was always something I admired from her.

I nodded, remembering that if I spoke back, they'd hear. When you are full immortal, only the person your thinking to, can hear you. But for me it's different, for now anyways. 

The van came to a stop and the doors opened, Felix and another man that had electric blue hair grabbed Sam and I. The man with the blue hair, that I plan to nickname Blue from now on, took Sam. Felix took me. They both grabbed some gear and it looked as if it was the lightest of weight, as if the gear and the bodies held were as light as a feather. It's times like this when I start to question my hatred to become a full vampire, there's so many good qualities. Maybe once I transform, I can teach myself to only drink animal blood. 

The men shut the doors and began to walk to the mansion that was home. I looked over at Sam, who nodded at me, 'Survive, I'll come back for you' 

I nodded and began to feel the tears brim my eyes, but I clenched my jaw to prevent it. I will make it, I will survive this, and Sam will come back for me. Then after all of this has passed and we have escaped, it'll be like old times, it'll all be okay again. As if none of it ever happened. All we need to do is get through this, and we will. I know we will. 

Felix looked over at Blue, "Hey, take her down the trail to the cellars, put her in the same one she was put in last time. She should feel at home since she's spent quite a bit of time there in the past." He laughed. 

Sam glared daggers at him, and fear struck my body like a bullet. Will they feed her? Will they hurt her? It won't be like in the movies when there are rats, diseases, and daily beatings right? God, I'm so scared for her. She assured me that it will be okay. That she has a plan and that she'll survive through this, since she's done it before. But I was still terrified, I couldn't bare the thought of them hurting her. Blue nodded before he began walking towards some trees and a dirt trail, there were some lights to light the way to the cellars and it looked like a stone building that was about two stories, it looked straight out of a nightmare. 

'Sam! No!' I thought to her. 

'I'm going to be okay, I promise. I'll come back for you, but until then, survive.' 

That's when Felix began walking towards the mansion. I looked at Sam, and she looked at me. Tears and muffled sobs came out of us as we looked at each other with such heartbreak it was like we'd never see one another again. But that could happen, in worst cases, we could never see one another ever again and that's what hurt the most. We didn't even have to speak, we spoke with our eyes. Our held ever memory, every ounce of love for one another, and every bit of fear for the other's safety. 

'I'll never forget you.' I thought. 

'I won't either.' She thought back. 

'I won't lose myself, I will survive. I promise.' 

'I will come back for you, I will survive, and it will all be okay in the end. I promise.' 

And that's when she disappeared into the building of cellars, and when I disappeared into the beautiful mansion. If only it could be the other way around. Why did it have to be this way?

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