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I felt numb. I couldn't feel anything, not even sadness, I cried it all out. I probably got on everyone's nerves with my sobbing and pitty party but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore, she's gone. My mother is gone, those words will never be able to come out of my mouth naturally. This isn't fair, it should of been me, not my loving mother. The foul being that hit her I hope will suffer for the rest of their pathetic life. They deserve it for what they did to her, I bet they didn't even feel sorry, they're not even mortal enough to feel anything. No humanity, there's no more left in this world, I learn this the hard way. I sat up and looked out the window, it was a beautiful sight. We were flying over water, the full moon reflecting upon the water. The wind making the water ripple, and the grass dancing, how can this world be so beautiful, but what's in it be so hateful. I don't understand the point in living when all you do is suffer. This one tragedy has overcome every single bit of happiness I've ever felt, every single happy moment, loving moment, exciting moment.

I felt our plane beginning to land, making me check the time on my phone. It was only eight o'clock. I sighed as I prepared myself to get out of the plane and see my family, well, most of them. One member I won't be seeing for a while. I tried desperately to hold back the tears, at least until I got into a private area where I could let it all out and not disturb anyone or have anyone disturb me.

The plane finally landing and came to a stop, the pilot confirmed that it was okay to leave the plane with our things. I was the first one to leave, only because I hurried to be the first one out, to avoid people. I didn't even tell Felix goodbye, but it's not like I care.

I hurried to get away, but I heard Felix's footsteps.

"Becca wait up." He called.

I turned around "What? It's not like we're going to the same place." I told him.

"You don't have to be like that." He stated.

I looked down at my shoes, now feeling guilty for being an ass, "Sorry."

Felix nodded and grabbed my hand, he began walking. I wanted to know where he was taking me, but I didn't care. He could take me to a satanic cult gathering and I wouldn't care. There's nothing to care about anymore. I sighed as he brought me outside, the cool air hitting my face and the wind blowing my hair back. I looked at Felix, he started walking and I followed.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Okay, suddenly I decided to care.

"Somewhere." He said.

We continued walking until he lead me into a dark alley, that's when I began to worry. I stopped walking and Felix turned, except he had a look on his face that was menacing and thoughtful. My stomach churned and I began to back away. Suddenly, two strong men came from behind me in a flash, and gripped my arms. I squirmed to get free, but it was no use.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted.

"This was the plan all along, love. But now because of your severe depression thanks to the incident that took place, we'll be doing you a favor." He explained with a murderous tone.

I froze "What are you going to do to me?" I asked just above a whisper as fear took over my entire body.

One moment, he was a good four five feet away, the next, he was inches away from my face. I gasped and backed up but the men gripped me tighter, making me whimper. How are they so strong? I'm going to have bruises after this, if I'm alive after this.

"We're going to make you one of us." He whispered.

Almost immediately, I felt an excruciating pain shoot through my body. My neck felt numb, then I realized that the man on my left bit me! Bit me on my neck? What the hell. I groaned and attempted to scream but nothing would come out, my entire body was burning. My head was pounding and I could hear my heartbeat fading. This is it, this is how I go.

Then everything went black.

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