High Speed Chase

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I landed on my feet and ran to the car without thought, Sam was shouting at me but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I had tunnel vision, literally, all I could make out was the car in front of me. I got closer and closer and eventually made it to the passengers seat, Sam got into the driver's seat and looked at me. She was breathing heavily and fear was in her eyes, she nodded and started up the car before speeding off with a load screech. 

"You look behind us and see if they're following us, we need to lose them fast before the cops find them." She told me strictly. 

I nodded and turned around in search for a vehicle following us. It took me a while before I realized, I don't know what car I'm looking for. 

"Sam, what kind of car am I exactly looking for?" I asked curiously.

Sam slammed on the breaks and looked at me with wide eyes, her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. 

I shoved her shoulder "Sam! What is it?" I asked, she is starting to scare me.

Sam took a few breaths before giving me an answer then she turned to me "Becca, they didn't arrive by car." 

My jaw dropped, "What makes you th-" 

I was interrupted by a huge bang above us, when I looked I saw a huge dent in the car. Fear and realization struck me when I realized that just the men we've been running from for the past few months are chasing us on foot and are now on top of us, literally. 

"STEP ON IT!" I screamed, startling Sam. 

Sam slammed on the gas and we were off, I looked behind us to see Felix fall off the car and roll down the street. His gang was soon ganging up on us and we had to quicken the pace. I began to get confused when Sam slammed on the breaks and took off her seat belt. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted, "We need to go!" 

Sam shook her head, "We can't lose them in this car. We need to fight them off and run." 

"Are you crazy?" I shouted as Sam began to get out of the car, "We can't fight them!" 

"Maybe you can't," she pulled me out of the car "but I can. Now run and hide, I'll find you." 

I paused a moment before turning around and running like my life depended on it. I didn't look back, I didn't stop, I kept going. I didn't want Sam to get hurt but after I heard a growl and a few bones breaking, I knew that she must of turned. Good thing we were in an alley in the middle of the night, we'd be neck deep if so. I ran and ran and didn't care where I was going, I can't let them find me because I can't take them. Yes, I can get a few hits in but I cannot knock em' out long enough for Sam and I to escape. My speed was to increased that I had been running faster than I ever have before, my tunnel vision returned and I knew I was going to be in a good hiding spot soon. A disgusting smell itched my nostrils as I arrived at a junk yard, this was going to be the most uncomfortably grossest thing I have ever done, but I need to hid. I chose here only because it would block my scent from the guys. I also have my phone so I can tell Sam where I am when she comes looking for me. 

I saw an old rusty car and hid under it. I could't hear anything, it was so peaceful. All I could here was the sound of the crickets and night life, it calmed me down quiet a bit since I was on the verge of a panic attack. God, I'm such a weak vampire, I may be new at this but for Pete's sake I need to get with the program. Why must I be so weak? I'm pathetic, a joke. Tears began forming in my eyes, I left Sam to fend for herself, I mean yeah I can't fight but I could at least do something. this is so scary, what have I gotten myself into? I seem to be asking that question a lot lately. Damn, I hope Sam is okay.

Sam's P.O.V

I jumped onto the car and examined the dent, I stood tall and looked down at the fools below me. 

"What the hell did you do to my car you fools!" I screamed at them as my blood began to boil with rage. 

The men laughed at my anger, mocking me, if only they knew who they were messing with. But they're about to find out. In order to help my best friend, I need to do this. 

I bent down low and howled, I howled as loud as I possibly could, focusing on myself and my mind. I began to feel the burning pain in my body, I new the transformation was taking place. My bones cracked and made loud noises as I screamed bloody murder, I felt every bone and every nerve in me break and twist into the formation of the true monster I was forced to be. My eyes began to burn and water before their bright yellow poured over my natural light green. Thick strands of fur broke through my tiny pores, making me scream out in pain as I felt blood going down my warm skin. My red fur grew and grew, covering me head to toe, it was almost over now. My screams and shouts turned to howls and growls, I got down on both legs and pounced onto the men in pure rage. This is my chance to give them what they truly deserve, not one will receive mercy, and not one will escape. 

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