22. Torment and Torture

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Hell, this isn't a time to think about her! He's waiting on an answer!

"Uh-h..." I cry out, my voice cracking. I fluster a mad pink color, and look down at my lap, curious and defeated for an answer.

I can't say yes to him! I don't... like him that way! It wouldn't be fair to Arabella, or especially Kenny!

But... He's worked so hard to do all of this. I don't want to humiliate him. ... Maybe I'll just say yes, and talk to him later. How would I even approach that subject when talking to him?!

"Well?" He's found his way out from behind the stands, and rapidly approaches me, a little dread peaking onto his face. He remains tall in front of me, a good three feet above me from where I sit, and still I feel about as tall as a pea plant. I look up into his face, hoping to find that this is all a joke, that he's secretly still in a relationship with Arabella, that I don't have to be put on the spot like this!

I know I'm hoping for a lot.

God, how can you let this happen?! I.. I thought that You'd at least be fair.

But you gave Kenny Huntington's. That's not fair, now is it?

We have to talk about that later.

"O-....Okay..." I whisper hoarsely, and give a shaky smile. His face floods with relief, and he hoists me into his arms. The students, and even Mr. Dolton, begin to cheer with an unknown excitement, and I can distinctively make out the word 'KISS! KISS! KISS!' being shouted. I squeeze my eyes shut, and pray for the moment to be over.

But it's not.

It seems like an eternity before Tanner lets me out of his grasp, and he still keeps me at arms length. Good. No lip locking, salivia swapping, Herpes infested kissing for me.

"I want t-to be the one to go dress shopping with you." He whispers into my ear, his smile evident in his tone. I shake my head frantically, and quickly back out of his hold. I then, feel something horribly sharp. It has the same type of feeling when I was in the storage closet with Jackson, and we were talking about Kenny. And Kenny came around the corner, and saw us together.

It feels like that.

But why? Kenny isn't here.


I shift around to find Jackson's eyes searing into my back, his eyes ablaze with fury.

Oh. Crap.

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░Once Upon A Dime░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

The breeze flicks my hair into my mouth, and I claw it away, an angry scowl plastered on top of my flustered face. A few remaining girls with skimpy clothing waggle their fingers flirtaciously at a group of passing steroids-infested semen carriers, whilst practically spilling their cleavage out of their shirts. Charming. The football field, just passed the large, indoor gymnasium, has sports fanatics splattered all throughout it's perimeter; some are doing stretches, some aren't. Some are drinking questionable substances, some are lying on the ground.

The puffy clouds in the sky resemble cotton balls, and I squint hard, trying to configure their shapes. They can't all be marshmallows, now can they? Hey, I had a dream like that!

The familiar mop of hair atop an empty skull passes by, and my eyes catch onto him. Ariel... Just the person I've been looking for!

"Ariel!" I stand up abruptly, my voice sounding squeaky as ever. He stops, one hand on the door of an urban looking car, and turns slightly, a curious expression on his face.

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