Playing video games was his sanctuary and he knew that if only he had someone to fill that void with it would be an awakening for him. Surprisingly, his newfound gaming partner wasn't Joe Sanderson or even Connor.

"Hey, twerp, you're not half bad," replied Bianca callously as she walked past Eli and Gracie. 

Gracie was shocked and showed it, "You're speaking with her?" Her tone of voice may have been mistaken for anger.

A smiling Eli feeling good from his "compliment" from Bianca replied, "There's something wrong with being friends with her?"

"My brother was with Bianca, there's nothing wrong with being "friends" with her," retorted Gracie.

"So then I'm doing nothing wrong then," grinned Eli, happy to see that Gracie was upset. It was not his intention but he had to admit seeing Gracie worry over his new friendship was a sweet deal. 


              Clare was cooing in murmurs to her son as she tried to settle him to breastfeed. He started to cry and pull away. She was in the changing area for the babies; her usual spot to secretly give Jake his afternoon meal. 

She shook him to and fro gently, "Why, today, little guy." She looked overwhelmed and tired and sounded it. She tried shushing him but he kept on crying.    

"Uh, hi," the door swung open and startled Clare. In her embarrassment she covered her breast quickly with a hand cloth she used to wipe Jake's face. She felt so cornered and stood there frozen with wide eyes at her visitor. 

"Oh, um, I'm sorry, sorry," K.C. turned away with guilt as he turned his head but the damage was already done.

Feeling a juxtaposition of emotions burning within her she felt as though she had to run. She quickly fixed herself and took up the baby bag and made a wild dash out of the room with Jake. 

Realising that she had left the room, K.C. followed after her.

"Wait, wait," he hurried after her.

Clare stopped and turned around with a devastated look, "How?"

"The nurse told me where you were," replied K.C. feeling uneasy about the situation. He knew it would be an awkward conversation but not this awkward.

"Why?" Clare could not muster to react other than indifferently. The shock she was experiencing was intense and painful.

"I need to talk to you -"

"About?" She wasn't thinking clearly, in fact she wasn't sure if she could think at all, especially with Jake's crying ringing in her ears. Then she noticed the nurse in the corner of the room.

"Honey, you ain't fooling me one bit. I knew from day one." The nurse answered her questioning look.

"Nice time to clue me in," she muttered, feeling foolish.

"Let's get your son calmed down, OK." The nurse replied and came over to collect Jake, "It seems to me your friend needs a little alone time with you to talk. It's a bit obvious Jake's not hungry. Go on." 

Clare passed the bag to the nurse and stood there stupefied.

"Go on!" repeated the nurse with more authority and Clare finally jumped into action. She grabbed K.C.'s hand and pulled him out of the daycare.

"Where are you taking -?" but K.C. was interrupted.

"Don't talk," Clare replied.

The two finally settled on the farthest most bench outside of the school. The area was rather isolated but who was around was a great deal away from them. The two of them sat side by side for a few minutes, neither saying anything.

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