Final Episode: Episode 9

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                 "Now aren't you glad I made you sign up," teased Alli with a wink. Her voice was audible enough so that only Clare could hear her. They were both dressed very impressively in their formal wear. Clare was standing next to a very tall and very handsome and just as strongly-built young man who was dressed in his Sunday best. She looked up at him after her best friend's comment and looked him over and she had to agreed, "Yeah." She sounded almost breathless. 

"Well, we'll be off now," smirked Alli who was escorted by a very tall, athletic chap with very rustic features. He looked almost awkward in his tux because of his wide shoulders but very smart nonetheless. The two of them made quite a pair, especially since they decided to wear matching colours.

The online database of the students' profiles were matched according to a very specific colour. For  example, Clare's was a pinkish mauve and her perfect match was Kurt Landon, a name she was very unfamiliar with and as such she was thinking of backing out. Alli's colour was a deep purple and her link was the number-four rated football player Terrence Wolfe; which for the sake of his cuteness rank made him so much more desirable to Alli. 

"Who's she!" commented Kurt suddenly aroused. He turned his attention from his date and was staring at the doors of the hall. Clare looked up suddenly worried; wasn't she the real attention tonight? She deserved a night of freedom, no diaper-changing, no breast-feeding at 5 a.m in the morning, right? She became immediately jealous of whoever it could have been but her date's eyes were focused on the latest arrival and to much of her chagrin so were many of the guys, even someone she thought would have had girls the last on his list.

Eli was minding his own business sipping on his punch when he noticed his conversation with K.C. was cut short. They were mindlessly talking about who they could have possibly gotten matched up with (since Eli had forgotten to check the website and K.C. had not registered the important details such as a name or at least a photo, so both boys were pretty much in the dark), when he was suddenly nudged to look behind him. He found it rather annoying to be at some ease for the first time in a few weeks to relax and now something was so suddenly important. When he turned around, the drink slurped back into the cup from his mouth, because without warning he was staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the most loveliest vision. Was he dreaming?

The entire hallway was now chattering with envious girls who were wondering just who this girl thought she was; making their men take their eyes off of them. The guys, however, were lost in a trance as they watched the red-headed beauty swayed gracefully towards them.

She was dressed in a very close-fitting and daring red-dress and her long locks bounced over her shoulder as she walked in. Eli couldn't help himself from staring at her. He was sure he would never get over Clare and he had made that quite clear but there was something about this girl. Where did she come from? He was watching hungrily as she neared their direction; he was half-hoping he would be her match and just like that she stopped in front of him and was actually talking to him of all people.

"You like!" The girl's voice was very flirtatious and youthful.

Like a stupid fool, Eli nodded happily.

"I'm glad you love it!" shrieked the girl, "I knew you would."

Eli was definitely on cloud nine now, how lucky could a guy be? Especially everything he had been going through lately he needed this, but something was nagging him. Why him? "We know each other?" He was more pleading than asking.

"Don't be silly," The girl said jokily, "It's me."

She pulled out a light blue card from within her bosom. It was the colored card that was dutifully shared to the singles who were successfully paired up with a match. Eli smiled longingly, trying to keep his cool as best as he could, when he took out a perfect match from within his lapel. 

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