Chapter 6

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Ethan's P.O.V

Bethany and I turn to look at Grayson and Kaylee who's peeping around the corner, and laughing.

"Guys stop." I say while trying to hold a grin back.

"You guys are so cute. We can't help it." Kaylee says as she still holds a smile across her face.

A few hours later.

Bethany and I are cuddled up in my bed watching TV. It's 11:30 at night and Grayson and Kaylee are asleep in Grayson's bed.

I really don't know what Kaylee and Grayson have going on, but they've been acting a little "weird" to be just friends. But that's none of my business.

All of a sudden, Bethany starts playing around as she pushes her fingers through my hair and starts rubbing them around, messing my hair up.

"Oh uh uh!" I sit up as she jumps off my bed causing me to chase her around the apartment. I finally caught her and wrapped her in my arms from behind and started swarming her with kisses across her face.

"Ethan stoppppp." She covers her face up with her hands as a sly grin appears on my face.

"But why?" I say as I turn her body to face toward me. I scan her facial features but then look in her eyes.

"Ethan please?" She raises one of her eyebrows as she glares at me.

"Fine." I quickly admire her features as I pick her up and carry her back to my room.

"Ethan oh my gosh!" She begins to giggle as her arms make their way around my torso.

I place her on my bed and just stare at her, admiring her. I can't lie, she was gorgeous.

I lean in and give her a quick kiss. Her lips were so soft and plump, I swear I could kiss her for forever.

After we kissed, I wanted more, but I didn't know about her. We just started dating and I don't wanna rush into things.

I leaned in for another kiss, but I started craving her, bad.

I mean yeah, I've had sex and done stuff before, but I don't know if she has. Nor did I know if she was ready or not, which I'm sure she isn't.

I didn't know if I could take it anymore, so we just crawled up in bed and covered up.

A few moments later, I look down to see that Bethany was asleep cuddled up to me, lying on her side as she had her arm wrapped around me.

I roll over on my side, putting her in my arms and start playing with her hair.

After I got done playing with her hair, I rub her back and trace circles along her warm, bare skin.

When I got done, I turned the TV off and went to sleep, happy knowing that Bethany is mine. I just hope and pray that she is loyal and won't do me wrong. After thinking to myself for a bit, I fall asleep.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since I haven't updated. My iPad quit working and I got a new phone Saturday. I'm gonna be updating more now.

But anyways, Kaylee and Grayson.. What do you think is gonna happen between them? Ethan and Bethany.. What do you think they're gonna do since it almost got heated? Stay tuned to find out.

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