20. Bryant and Bets

Start from the beginning

"Ready to go?" I chirrup, galloping into the room as gracefully as a salted slug. Syncopatedly, they crane their heads to stare at me, perplexed notions masking their usual happy faces. "Everything... okay?"

"Yeah. C'mon, Jen.." Kenny mutters angrily, charging for the door, and swinging it open with one fluid yank. I bow my head in the direction of my frothing father, and quickly scurry after the boy with the quick temper.

"You okay?" I croak, feeling not excersizing for more than a few weeks finally take its toll on my straining muscles.

"Yeah." He barely whispers, throwing open the passenger door side of my dad's Camry, and slamming it behind him. Someone's cranky. Well, I would be too if Kenny's dad just talked to me like that. I walk stiltedly over to the driver's side door, opening it calmly, and pour myself inside.

"You know, now that I've agreed to put up with you, you don't have to hide things from me anymore." I say bitterly, plugging the keys in the ignition. A feel a hot sweat trickle down my temples, and I keep my senses keen, waiting.

"Y-y... I know." He ruffles his hair with his fingers, and gapes out the window. "I'm just stressed, y'know? I really wanted your dad to like me..."

"Oh. Ken, don't worry about that. He's just... a tough guy. He'll come around." I give him a frail squeeze, and he latches onto my fingers with his own. His fingers are so cold....

"So, anyways..." He ushers away this conversation with the flick of his hand. "You're still paying up for losing the bet."

"Damnit..." I howl under my breath, red flames burning my vision. I scowl at him from the corner of my eye.

"But don't worry. After I'm done video taping you, I'll give you the most roughest, most hungriest, most unbearable kiss in the world, you'll be begging for more..." He attempts at whispering suggestively in my ear, but I cringe at his lack of grammar. It takes every ounce of self control I have to suppress my giggles, and I give him a cross, moderately smug look. I let the meaning of his words sink in, and my face suddenly grows pale. I feel something explode inside me, and a prickly warmth travels all over my body, making it yearn for contact. I want to feel his hands on my skin, want to feel-

Brain, you're fucking stupid. Focus... focus...

"Oh no." I laugh out loud, attracting his attention yet again. "There's no way I'd ever let you do that."

"You talk a big game. I wonder...." He chortles, unbuckling his seatbelt, and leaning across the isle so that his lips are just next to my ear. I feel his jagged breath hit my skin, and I bite back the desire to moan. "if you could actually keep that up."

"T-try me." My voice breaks, and an angry red takes over my cheeks. I swing dangerously into the parking lot of the costume store, and fold my hands in front of my knees. "Well? I'm not getting out."

"How did I know you were going to say that?" He cocks an eyebrow, and heaves himself out of the car, and into the store without another complaint. He waggles his hips on his way in, and I suppress the urge to vomit.

Fucking Kobe. Well, let's just see how this turns out. Maybe I won't die in-

Nah. Who am I kidding?

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░Once Upon A Dime░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

I feel the effects of the moderate to severe peer pressure exerted by the one and only, Kendall Muriel Brush, begin to weigh down my shoulders. He's serious. He's completely, 100% serious. I feel anxious. My blood begins to pound in my ears, pulsing a ghostly, syncopated rhythm with my raging heart. My bottled up salt water begins to leak from my eyes, and I look for comfort in his indifferent, unfeeling skies.

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