"Hey." She said quietly.

"Hi." I smiled, sitting down.

Kaycee, however was just giving her the evils, thankfully Selena was looking down at that point and didn't see her. I kicked Kaycee under the table, she immediately turned her gaze to me, her mouth open, as if about to start telling me off for kicking at her. When, suddenly, her eyes grew wide. I, however, just rolled my eyes. 

"Go away, Darren." I remark, exasperatedly.

"And why would I do that?" He retorted.

Selena had continued on as if he wasn't there, I had to admire her for that. Especially as she was able to ignore him and I wasn't.

"Did your mind have a warp? What did I say earlier? Oh, yeah! It was something like, 'If you evercome near me again, I will personally chop off your balls and make you eat them!'. Now, which part of that did you not understand?" I bristle.

"Why don't you stand up and say it?" He declares. My eyes narrow.

"No thanks, I've already spent too much of my valuable time speaking to you anyway." I sass, still trying to stay calm.

"Chicken." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard quite right there. What did you just say?" I demand, slowly reaching boiling point.

"I said you were too chicken to come up here and say that to my face. Go on! Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't ever want to hear from me again."

I smirk and stand up, step out from the lunch table and stand directly in front of him. By this point, the whole cafeteria was watching.

"I, Tina Bolaine, will sincerely chop off your balls and-"

I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. At first I was too shocked to move. When I finally regained composure I shoved him away from me and punched him around the face.

"Don't you ever do that again, do you hear me? What? Did you think you were gonna waltz in here and 'sweep me off my feet', after this morning. You must be having a laugh. What planet are you on? If you ever, talk to me, talk about me, think about me, or even look at me ever again... I promise, I will kick you so hard in the balls, your great grandkid's, grandkids will feel it. Understand?"

I picked up my bag and tray dumped my food, suddenly not hungry anymore, and flounced out of the cafeteria, all the people's - bar Darren's - eyes following me, including the dinner ladies behind the counter.

Jayden's POV (Weren't expecting that were ya? lool! xD)

I knew it wouldn't work.

I told him it wouldn't work.

And now he's on the floor where Tina left him after (As predicted.) punching around the face and shouting at him, before flouncing out of the cafeteria, her friend Kaycee hurrying after her, with -to my surprise- Selena not far behind that.

I just rolled my eyes and pulled Darren up from the ground, yanking him out of his dream-like state.

He slowly walked out of the room, me trailing behind him. I abruptly realized just how alike the four of us were. Tina and Darren both had short tempers, while Kaycee and I just follow them around calming them down.

That's kind of funny, in a slightly cynical, sarcastic way. Now, where'd he go this time?

Tina's POV

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