A small smile came to the corner of his lips. "I don't know...I just knew that you wouldn't have gone to heaven, without your mom. And I couldn't just leave you here by yourself."

                I shook my head. "I didn't come down until days after you."

                He gave a small shrug. "I would have done the same thing anyways."

                "You're stupid..."

                "You're scared."

                I fell silent.

                "It's okay, so am I...but hey, you haven't met the Devil yet have you?"

                Giving a guilty grin I shook my head. "I did."

                "What happened?"

                "Nothing I guess, he wouldn't show me my mother, or you. But I know what's behind those doors in the halls. I know exactly what would have happened to you if I didn't come by tonight."

                Jesse stayed silent, afraid of what I would say.

                "It was bad Jesse. He would have had you in a room, alone. There were so many horrible things I saw from Mary and Joseph's room!"


                I shook my head. "People I saw...they...it was bad."

                "I don't think there's anything you can really do now. They're dead."    

                "Yah, I know...but there were so many other's"

                "I don't understand."

                "He has files, the man you saw. Who looked like a business man? He has files of every person condemned to hell. He was going to let me make your room..."

                "How many rooms did you make?"

                I swallowed. "A lot..."

                He gave a firm nod, as if he already knew the answer. "Well what's done, is done. But you can't worry about anything but getting your mother back, you know that."

                I nodded.

                "How's your cough?"

                I tilted my head as far as the pillow would let me. I had forgotten about them. "They're gone..."

                "That's good...now I think we both need some sleep."

                Smiling I turned around my back facing him, as I drifted off into silence.


                The next morning I woke up quietly, remembering exactly who was here. I slowly turned my head, finding a sleeping boy. His hair was still a little damp and but his face was clean from last night. I guess we had slept too near to the sunrise. The sheets didn't quiet cover his shirt though, which made the still dirty clothes noticeable. I wished I had large clothing to give him, instead of dresses.

                Suddenly I heard a small knock at the door. Jesse shot up, surprised by the sound. I turned to him motioning him towards the bathroom. Swiftly he tried his best to get to the bathroom the same time I tried climbing back under the sheets.

                "Lucia," It was Lucifer.

                I stayed silent my back turned towards the door.

                "Lucia?" Lucifer said, more sternly this time.

                I heard the door open, then footsteps approached me; I quickly shut my eyes.

                "Time to get up now, it is nearing breakfast time."

                Secretly I let out a small sigh of relief, that I tried best to resemble a breath of a sleeper.

                "Go on and get ready," He whispered placing a gentle pressure near my feet. "And bring your friend along as well won't you?"

                Suddenly my eyes shot open, as the door closed behind me.

                He knew...

Lucia - Satan's Daughter (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now