"Okay okay ill tell you everything you want to know" I explained sitting comfortably facing her.

I ran down the story quickly, surpassing many details. I didn't want her knowing everything.
Surprisingly she was more than happy for me. Screeching multiple times every time I went into detail.

"This is pretty big mija! Does Dad like him?" She asked curious. Only because we both new dad wasn't the type to like guys around Amanda and I. He usually did everything he could to embarrass us and was always extremely strict.

"They haven't met yet but, I hope he does" I said worried that if my dad didn't like him then it made things very hard. My family always came first.

"It shouldn't matter if you really love him, then Dad wont stand in the way of your heart." She proclaimed and I shook my head trying not to think of how stressed it would be.

"Hey we should go shopping for you. You need a complete new look" She said getting up grabbing her purse and keys and yanking me out of the door.

We were at our last store finally and of course it was a Victoria secret. She's supposed to stop me from having sex not provoke. But I couldn't hide how sexy Jacob would think of me.

"We'll going to get you everything you need don't even worry" she said while picking up things i wouldn't dare look at before. This was becoming so much fun hanging with my older sister. Joking and laughing about boys. She was telling me stories of what her and her friends use to do at parties. Amanda was a wild girl I knew but nothing prepared me for half of her stories. I was completely intrigued by my older sisters life. We had so much to catch up on and I was excited.

"No, I'm going to look like a slut. Where are you getting all this money from anyway" I questioned her.

"Oh ush ush ush child" I was going to say something back but my phone rang. Before I could question her more I answered my best friends call.

"Hey chicky whats up"

"Hey chicka Mr. Romeo was frustrated today" She spoke mischievously with a cynical laugh.

"Sexually frustrated that is" I said and we both laughed.

"I wanted to play with him more though, it was fun" She said sighing pretending to be sad.

"It was! His face when we ignored him at lunch nearly killed! I was laughing so hard" I spoke and burst into laughter.

"Right priceless- yea dad I'm coming! Alright Chicky i gotta go wuv you" She spoke.

"Wuv you too" I reciprocate as we hung up. I looked over the remaining text from Jacob. He wasn't giving up and I didn't want him too. All the fire and passion we had was exhilarating.

"You two have the weirdness friendship, its like you guys belong together" Amanda says from behind me chuckling.

"We do, she's my soul sister" She agreed as we walked to pay for the items. We left the store and headed to the parking lot. My mind was stuck on one person. He was all I wanted to be with at this very moment. The way he had control over my body was a mystery. But I wanted him all the time.

"Well hello Ms. Smith" Jacob said in his teacher tone from behind me. Speaking of the devil himself. We were in a secluded area no one was there really. I stood awkwardly with my sister behind me; I knew the grin on her face was spread ear to ear annoyingly.

"Its okay she knows stalker" I looked over him in all his glory. Fuck. He just had to look that sexy in casual jeans and a hoodie. I was going to take that hoodie too.

"Okay great!" he joked looking at Amanda giving her a killer smile.

"This must be your sister" He walked up to her taking out his hand to shake hers.

"Yes i am. Damn, you sure know how to pick 'em little sis" Amanda said still looking at Jacob but Jacob was staring at me.

"I'm going to give you guys some alone time looks like you guys need it" she said walking to her car. He looked toward me licking his lips. I sighed looking away praying I stayed in control. It'd been so long since I felt him inside me and I was nearly dying. Anything he did now was dangerous. I nearly wanted to jump his bones every second he came near me.

"I like how you teased me and ignored me today, remind me not to leave you like that next time" He said with his head down in defeat. I giggled lightly which stirred his head toward me and a smile appears on his lips. God, he was so perfect.

"Yea it was fun too" I said looking away from him. Stay in control Angie.

"Looks like you went shopping for me." He said smirking looking at my Victoria secret bag

"This isn't for you" I tried to lie but could help but smile.  He came closer to me leaning in for a kiss.

Our lips touched and fire shot through my body. I will never get tired of that feeling. Our lips parted and he licked the bottom of my lips but i wasn't granting him to go deeper.

"No" I said backing up, heading to the car. He grabbed my waist to stop me. I turned to face him.

"Spend the day with me tomorrow, don't go to school; come straight to my place. Please" He pleaded, his eyes pouting.

"Bad teacher Mr. Romeo but I accept" I pecked his lips but he wasn't having it. He gripped my waist tighter.

"Some.... one.... might.... see us" I said in between kisses. I finally broke away.

" I dont care.... I would quit my job for you" He spoke with all seriousness in his voice. My heart stopped at the thought of a man willing to give up his career just to love me.

"I don't deserve all that" I spoke quietly my head sinking. His hand cupped my chin lifting my head up to face him.

"You deserve that, and much more. And I intend to give it to you" He spoke those last sweet words to be before pressing his lips to mine.



Addicted To Your Love (Teacher/Student Relationship) MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now