Chapter 22: One and the Same

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It's not that simple. I'm not just in your head, I'm a part of you. Like your conscious, but I have my own opinions.

"What about the wall? What happened with that?"

It obviously didn't work. It actually triggered something. Do you remember those hallucinations you had after you woke up at the X Mansion?

"Yeah, what about them?"

Those weren't hallucinations, they were memories.

"I've never see those people or that place in my entire life." Kat argued.

Your entire life that you've spent on Earth.

That just confused Kat more, but she wanted to get to the bottom of this.


Your earliest memory is when you were saved by Logan, but that's just your first 'human' memory. You're not human Kat, or just a mutant. You're an alien, a Varulv to be exact. It translates exactly to-

"Werewolf." Kat cut her off, having learned Norwegian, it was the easiest language that came to her.

That place was your home and those people were your parents. We were attacked by the Dark Elves when you were young. You were sent away to be safe and keep the Tesseract out of the hands of the Dark Elves. But when you landed on Earth you had been injured, that's when Project X found you. You already had your powers so they assumed that you were a mutant. You already had your claws and bones made out of adamantuim. They then made Logan like you since you were stronger.

Kat had a hard time digesting this. She had parents. Two people who loved her. They loved her, right? Of course they did. She must have been what they were talking about when the woman- her mother was crying. They sent her away, but what happened to them?

They died. Everyone did that day. You're the last Varulv left. That's why the Dark Elves want you. They want to finish the job now that they have the Tesseract.

"So that's it? They kill my people for a- an element and they still want me dead?!"

Being the daughter of the Varulv king and queen is intimidating to them. You have no idea what your parents were capable of. They were war heroes, threatening to anyone in their way. You are part of the greatest, most frightening species out there.

"Do Loki and Thor know? About the Varulv? About me?"

That's another thing. Odin and your father were allies. They wanted to make their kingdoms stronger and by doing that they had to combine them.


You and Loki were suppose to get married .

Excuse me?

You were both the closest in age and you had taken a liken to each other when you two met when you were very young. That was the condition that your mother and Frigga made. You two had to at least like each other, but your fathers couldn't have cared less. They just wanted to keep their wives happy.

"So is that why your adamant about me loving him? Because of an arranged marriage?"

That's not it. He's your soulmate. Varulv can have one, but its very rare.

"That's just fan-freaking-tastic! I was going to be married to someone without my consent but its okay, because we're soulmates!" By this time Kat was on her feet and pacing. "Who does that? Looks to two kids to unite two kingdoms. No pressure there."

Why are you really angry, Kat?

Kat wasn't sure how much she liked that the Beast could call her bluff. She had spent so much of her life hating her and now, here she was, explaining all of this.

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