Let me touch you

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But shrugg it off when I walked from home. I wasn't far from school when Alyssa showed up from nowhere. I felt how I froze while walking.

" Hi.." Alyssa said shyly. I forced a smile. " Hey."

" I am still sorry, for you know, kissing and touching you when you said no. I should've listened, I know. And I am sorry."

I took a deep breath and let it all out when we walked into the svholm building. " Jelina got pissed, I know that." She said. " She's kind of possessive over you, don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes a bit, but half agreeing with her. But I wouldn't admit that.

" I'm sure there is a reason." I defended. " Jade, she does not own you." I stopped right there and turned to her. " Just leave mine and Jelina's relationship issues to us, and let us mind our own buisness, then you can mind yours."

That made her shut up for a while, but before things could get too tense between us, I tried to come up with something to talk to. But it was quite impossible. Though I felt relieved when Alyssa decided to open up her mouth again.

" So are we good?" I was pretty tired of having this thing burning in the back of my head, so I decided to say;

" Sure, we're good."

" I promise I won't touch you like that again."

" Good." I must've sounded like a bitch, but I was starting go get pissed at Jelina for still not answering my texts.

" Unless you want me to." Alyssa mumbled and my head snapped towards her direction.

" What did you just say?"

" Nothing."


I sent several texts to Jelina later on the day. I ended up writing from ' Please answer, I'm just worried about you.' To ' You better reply before I go to your house and kicks your door wide open'.

I said bye to Alyssa when we finished school for the day and I called Jelina.
I only heard her voice mail. So I left a half sour message.

' Hi, it's me. Seriously can you at least reply with an ' I'm okay' text. I hate when people are ignoring me when I haven't even done anything. And If I have, please tell me so I can fix it.'

I felt a bit disappointed when I got home. Of course I wouldn't just walk into her house and yell at her, right now, I just wanted to go to bed.

" Hi, sweetheart." I heard dad greet me.
" How was your day in school?"

" It was okay, I guess." I shrugged and started to walk up the stairs with a groan. I couldn't wait to meet my bed.

" Look, I'm going to go and pick up your mother. She's at a friend's house, then we will go shopping. You need anything?"

I big hug from my girlfriend would be nice, I thought.

" No, I'm fine thank you." My dad smiled at me and put on a coat and said goodbye while walking out.

I breathed out and kept on walking. I opened the door to my room. When I got in I did not expect a tall figure on my bed. First I was shocked, but when I saw the long black hair and dark eyes I just knew who it was.

" How the fuck dare you?" I hissed angrily and threw my school bag and my jacket away. Jelina stood up but I pushed her back onto the bed.

" You don't answer my texts, nor my calls. You just shut me out, just like when you pushed me away after my ' morning lessons'."

Under My Command ( Lesbian Stories)#Wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang