My Sister's Cat is a Monster!

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Chapter 19

Bella/Beth P.O.V.

"Sup" Grover and Percy were sprawled on the extra beds flipping through a book. There was three things wrong about that. One: Percy was dyslectic. Two: the book was upside down. And three: Percy + book = not ever in eternity. Anabeth could barely make him learn ancient Greek from her in the morning. So something was defiantly wrong.

I sat down on my bunk with caution. Jumping when Amintah

came up on the bed, and sat on my lap, licking my hand so I would pet her.

"Hello gorgeous" I cooed, starching her behind her ears. She meowed cutely then sprawled her self on my lap.

I looked over where Percy and Grover where and noticed that they seemed nervous and got up and sat as far away from where I was.

Grover was starting to eat his tin can of Coke that Percy had under the bed. No I know something's defiantly up. I wonder what.

'Meow' Amintah demanded more of my attention and started to push me with her head, so I could keep on petting her.

"Alright what's up. What's up with you two. It seems like you just discovered your girlfriend was Medusa while you where kissing her." I said not standing the tense air around us.

"Y - y - your -" Grover stuttered not finishing his sentence.

Oh, no. Did they find out I'm not really Isabella Swan? I was fidgeting in nervousness. What if they did know? Oh, my Gods, my family is literally going to kill me if I messed this up so early.

"I'm? I'm what?" Um, what do!

"No not you. Your cat. Is it even a cat?" Percy stated. Pointing at Amintah like she was an evil monster.

Oh, so that's what they know. Well that isn't a big deal, right?

"Yeah what about her? Perce, I told you that I was going to keep her. Where did you expect me to leave her? In the Big house where Mr. D would blast her into chunks?" Alright I'm going to act dumb, to know how much they know. Strategy 11083.

"Yeah, you told me your where going to keep a cat. Not a big ferocious monster in our cabin!" Percy exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air.

"What do you mean. Little Amintah isn't harmful. She's just a cute little fluffy kitty" I said cooing at her picking her up and putting my nose on hers.

"Cute and fluffy right now. But when she goes BOOM" Grover made his symbol a bomb or explosion "She is like Cerberus, But in a cat like. And a little smaller" Grover was now standing on the bed jumping with fear.

"What are you talking about?"

"We came in after capture the Flag and it was on your trunk, so when I tried to move her to open your trunk she went BOOM" Percy explained.

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