› Thirty-Two / Team ‹

Start from the beginning

"Babe, eat up," Rob spoke from across the room to me. I frowned at him.

"Excuse me?" I questioned with a threatening tone.

"Jordan, not now," Hudson pleaded from beside me. I ignored him. Rob looked at me startled and confused by my comment.

"I was tellin' you to eat up. I am your father now, you have to treat me with respect, babe," the idiot said. My mother seemed completely unphased by her husband called her daughter, babe. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

I rolled my eyes. I ignored what he had said and finished eating my dinner.


After dinner, I was in the kitchen washing up for everyone meanwhile, everyone else was in the lounge playing on playstation.

I picked up a small bowl and instantly started cleaning it. To say that I was pissed, would be a major understatement.

A body pushed up against my back, their arms blocking me from moving. I stopped mid-wash immediately.

"Hello, babe," the person spoke. Rob's breath smelt like alcohol. I hope he drives so I can arrest him.

"Uh, get off me," I said with confidence. As a police officer, I had been taught to always use a strong and confident voice. If I sounded scared or weak, people ain't going to listen to whatever bullshit you're saying.

"Your mother just told me that you've never had sex before," he whispered. I rolled my eyes, of course she did. She talked as if I was innocent to most people and to others, such as my Dad, I'm a whore.

"I can teach you how, if you want," he offered, pushing his pelvis harder against my body.

I could imagine what Hudson would say if I snapped right now.

Oh and to be honest, didn't give a damn at the moment. 

I spun around with my fist in the air, hitting him square in the jaw. His body fell to the ground with a loud thump.

My eyes widened in shock. How did he get knocked out so fast? I was expecting him just stumble back. I guess those gym sessions were going well for me.

I ran out of the kitchen and as I passed the living room, I screamed out, "Mom, I'd go check on your stupid ass husband if I were you!"

I ran out the door, slamming it shut behind me. I felt the tears flowing down my face. It wasn't so much that he had the decency to try do that that hurt, it more of the fact that my own Mom married that disgusting animal.

I unlocked my car and hopped in. I started the car up but I didn't make a move to drive home. I need to catch my breath.

I looked down to my right hand. It was shaking profusely. The knuckles were already turning shades of purple and blue from the force of the hit.

Shit. After all these years of avoiding situations where this happens, I finally let it.. I snapped.

›››‹‹‹ {jordan's pov -- present}

I yawned, opening my eyes to the harsh sunlight, beaming through the windows. I glanced around at the empty room. I frowned at the fact I was alone. I put my hands on the ground to help push me up from a sitting position to a standing. As soon as I put weight on my right hand, a shock of pain ran through it. I gasped at the sudden feeling.

I sat back down and looked at my hand in confusion.

The knuckles were all bruised and there was dried blood over them.

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