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"Dad, please quit stopping me." Harry whines, snatching his keys from the counter.

"I'm sorry, but you need to taste this before you go." He's stirring a pot of red sauce.


"Because this is a part of what you will be eating when you get back home. And so will Zayn if you do what I say and invite that boy back over here."

Harry growls and his step father frowns. "I really don't appreciate you being frustrated with me when I'm trying to make my boy and his boyfriend happy. At least be nice and do this, you little knucklehead."

Harry chuckles, but comes over anyway grabbing one of the spoons from the drawer. Then he dips it in the sauce, blows it and tastes it.

"Mmm yummy. Good stuff. Now can I go?" He tosses the spoon in the sink and his stepfather just shakes his head, laughing.

"Where's the date going to be?"

"I told you. The old bridge. But please don't show up."

"I won't."

"Or sneak and hide while watching us from a distance. Because you won't need to do that. I'll call when I'm leaving."

"I won't. I promise. I'll be here getting things ready and waiting for your call. Maybe even eating. I just want you two to use your brains as well as protection this time." He shoots Harry a warning glare.

"There'll be no need for protection because we won't be doing anything." He cheeses.

"Yeah alright, Harry." He looks at the watch on his wrist. "Oh, it's already nine o'clock. You better hurry or you'll be even later."

"It is?" He whips out his cellphone and sees that it is. "Oh shit, I've gotta go! Bye!" He says as he begins scurrying out of the kitchen and running down the hallway.

"Bye! And watch your language!"

"Sorry!" Harry's rushing to his car and he's moving so fast he accidentally slams the door to the house. The last time he was this excited to see Zayn, it was the day he found him in the hall, pulled him into the janitors closest and ended up giving him blowjob.

However, tonight he's excited because he knows it's not about that. It's not about anything related to sex. He just wants to show Zayn he cares about him. He wants to show him he's more than what Zayn has seen from him or what he probably thinks he is. Harry has a heart.

Sure, it's deep down in the hardened shell he's created over the last four and a half years, but it's there nonetheless. It's also soft and it's mushy and it's set on Zayn. Harry can't wait till he reaches that bridge. This is going to be one of the best nights of his life. He can feel it. He can feel it to the point to where he has little tingles running through his body and to his fingertips. He usually only gets those when something bad is about to happen but he knows it can't be that this time. Not with Zayn.

So he gets in the front seat of his car and checks his hair and face in the mirror of his visor. He looks good enough. Now it's time to get to Zayn. He's got a surprise for him. And he wonders if Zayn's whole reason for inviting him here is because he has one for him too.

HOLLOW » Zarry ✔⚠Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon