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Zayn walks inside his home, not bothering to speak to his mother who in turn, doesn't try to speak to him either. He's just gotten in from soccer practice and he's tired. So he throws himself into his bed and closes his eyes. He's wondering why he's even on this stupid team in the first place. It's such a dumb idea.

But he's on it because he feels like he needs to be. So he can prove something.

That he likes girls.

That he isn't what everyone says about him.

Especially everything Harry says. Because he's wrong.

Isn't he?

Today, at soccer practice, Harry told Zayn that wearing his glasses, makes him look like a geek and a faggot.

The F word... I hate it....

If glasses really makes him look like that, then Zayn ponders taking them off and never wearing them again. He can see enough without them. It's not necessarily a necessity. Okay... that's probably not the best idea. But he doesn't want to look like any one of those things. If it's what he has to do then it's what he'll do.




(All Zayn's dreams will begin and end like: •••...•••...•••...•••...•••...)


"What are you trying to prove Zayn?" Zayn is standing on the roof of his house for no reason at all and for the life of him he's trying to figure out what he's doing with this pointless life of his.

"Why do you care?"

"What are you trying to prove?" the figure asks again, ignoring him. "They're just glasses. Choosing not to wear them won't change who you really are. You know that right?"

"That's not the point. It's... It's what they say I look like in them." Zayn says. "I'm not a homosexual... Am I?"

"But the figure doesn't answer his question. He asks him one back. "Are you?"


Fuck my life.

That's Zayn's every waking thought. Because he shouldn't have to deal with this, especially not from his teammates.

They travel on the bus to a game thirty minutes from his school. Harry is there of course. He never misses a game. Neither does he ever miss an opportunity to mess with Zayn. Therefore as soon as he gets a chance, he makes his way to the back, having a seat next to Zayn.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He teases.

And Zayn feels hot at the feeling. Maybe he should have sat up front where he could be closer to the driver and the coaches. That way they can hear everything that's being said to him.

"I don't have one. I'm not-"

"-Not a faggot?" He interrupts.

"No. I'm not."

But Zayn tenses when he feels Harry's hand on his thigh. Why now? Why must Harry do this now? Zayn closes his eyes feeling Harry's hand move, so that his fingertips freeze at the zipper of his pants.

"Please stop." Zayn says and he tries to hide his shaky voice while he looks away from Harry. Seeing Harry's face right now would make him more shamed than he already is.

"I knew it." Harry says getting up as the bus comes to a halt in the parking lot of their destination. "If you weren't a homo, you wouldn't be this nervous whenever I touch you."

Zayn can't believe he's hearing those words, but he watches as Harry gets off and exits the bus with his three followers and the rest of the team. As for Zayn, he waits until he knows the coast is clear before he gets off. Because if anyone saw him, they'd know he's hiding a growing erection in his pants.

He must say this is the farthest Harry has ever gone when touching him. Which means out of two years and a few weeks, Harry has only done enough things to make Zayn feel uncomfortable. Now he's making Zayn...

Feel things...

And it's horribly embarrassing.

It's horribly embarrassing that he has to find a bathroom to relieve himself.

It's horribly embarrassing that he's dropping his pants to his ankles in this disgusting public bathroom.

And sadly, it's horribly embarrassing that he's gotta touch his own self like this when he doesn't even want to.

Despite it all though, no matter how frightening every thought he's having right now is, what's ten thousand times worse than all of those and more horribly embarrassing than anything is that it's not even his own hand he's thinking about giving him the kind of pleasure he's feeling right now.

It's Harry.

The captain of the soccer team.

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