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"Dad's home." Harry says. He's currently nuzzled into Zayn and they've been lying in bed mumbling to each other for a half an hour. "We should probably shower now."

He pecks Zayn's lips and sits up. "You go first and while you're in there, I'll change the covers on the bed. Are you gonna be okay? Like, do you know where everything is?"

"I'm sure I can find it." Zayn says. And he steps out of bed, going to the bedroom door to open it. After peeking in the hallway and seeing that Harry's dad hasn't come upstairs looking for Harry, he tiptoes down the hallway and into the bathroom.

He walks to the tub and turns on the water for the shower. While he waits for it tot comfortable enough to get under, he looks at himself in the mirror.

What are you even doing, Zayn? He asks himself. You keep telling yourself you only did it for the plan but you know you wanted it just as much. Harry is a bad human... And you willingly slept with him.

He runs his hand through his disheveled hair and sighs. "I'm horrible." He mumbles. That makes 7 times he's had sex with him. Except this time, it's not even rape anymore.

For a moment, he almost forgets that he is supposed to be taking a shower but when he remembers, he leaves the mirror and opens the linen closet, where he grabs a large towel and a washcloth. Seeing that there is a mat on the floor in front of the tub, he sits the towel down on the back of the toilet and steps over and into the tub with the washcloth. When the water runs over his body, he smiles. Maybe this shower will help him get clean from the filthiness he feels on the inside as well.

He closes the curtain and spots the body wash in the corner in a small rack. It reads something like: Coconut & Mint. Zayn raises his brow because Harry never smells like coconut and mint. Or maybe he has and Zayn just hasn't noticed. Probably the latter. Because it's hard to pay attention to things like that when he's scared all the time he's with Harry.

He opens the cap and pours quite a bit into his washcloth. He rubs it all over his body, making sure he's good and lathered. When he finally starts to scrub, he's sure to focus on cleaning his backside the most. It feels icky, a little bit sore and he almost, for a second, regrets not changing his mind and asking Harry to put on a condom.

He cleans himself close to fifteen minutes, not caring about his hair getting a little wet and afterward, he turns off the water. When he gets out of the tub, he uses the towel to dry his hair and then his body.

Oh no... I don't have any clothes. He thinks. So he peeks out the bathroom door for Harry's dad. He hears him downstairs on the phone with someone. So he scurries back to Harry's room. Harry is putting one last pillowcase on a pillow. He sees he has put back on his dirty boxers too.

"You can just lie down in bed naked if you want. I don't care." He says. "Unless you want something of mine, like a T-shirt..."

Zayn hunches his shoulders. "Please?"

Harry shakes his head so as to say sure and he walks over to the closet, pulling a t-shirt off a hanger. "Here." He tosses it and Zayn catches it, opens it and puts it on. It's huge with long sleeves, but also warm.

He watches Harry grab a pair of clean boxers from his dresser. "I'll be out in fifteen minutes or less. I promise." Harry says. "Just stay in here until I get out. If dad comes, don't worry about it. He's not going to hate you or anything, okay?"

"Okay." Zayn replies, looking down at the hardly fitting sleeves and he hears those footsteps fade out toward the bathroom.

The water for Harry's shower runs for a good 7 or 8 minutes before Zayn decides it's safe to make his move and complete step 4. He knows he was told to stay in the room, but he still sneaks out and into the hallway to grab his backpack and bring it back into the room.

Zayn looks around and hums. He knows he needs two things:

1)A set of Harry's handcuffs,

and 2)his camcorder.

The best part about all of this is that he knows where Harry keeps both items. Harry never expected this to be happening to him, so he wasn't thinking about putting everything back whenever Zayn wasn't looking. Therefore, Zayn goes straight to the nightstand drawer where his camcorder lays and he takes it out. There's an open compartment in his backpack that he puts it in and he hurries over to Harry's dresser across the room. Just as he figured, there are the handcuffs. Actually, there are two handcuffs right along with the keys to them both, but he only grabs one set because it's all he'll need. He does take both keys though, just in case the cuffs accidentally close and he ends up needing to unlock them.

After collecting all objects, he quickly zips his backpack back up and hurries out in the hall to return it to its place. He's back in the room and done catching his breath when his mind thinks about what he's going to have to do next.

It shouldn't be too hard. We just had sex. So I know Harry will do it. Zayn folds his arms and shrugs his shoulders with uncertainty. At least I hope he does.

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