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Zayn wakes up in his own room the next day. He remembers the night before. Nothing happened. Nothing other than Harry's scary threats of course. But it was a bit surprising knowing Harry made something to eat. It was nothing expensive. Just a quick pasta dinner. But just the thought that it was done at all was something to wonder about. He met Harry's dad too.

He was nice.

Nothing like Harry.

But it was barely even five minutes after they met that Harry was getting nervous and dragging Zayn out of the kitchen, in a hurry to take him home. That was strange. Very strange.

Nevertheless, that was how Zayn's night went.

His mother is awake in the kitchen sipping coffee at the table when he gets there. It's her last vacation day before she's off to work again tomorrow.

"Sleep well?" She asks.


"I guess." Zayn mumbles.

"Good. At least someone did."

Zayn ignores her because he doesn't care about what she has to say, but she continues on. "And what I mean by that, is that I won't ever sleep well because I don't trust you hanging out with that Harry boy.

He knew this was coming. "Mom."

He was really hoping he didn't have to wake up to this. He wishes he had the guts to grab a kitchen knife and slit his own throat. Anything to avoid this conversation.

"Zayn, I'm not kidding. I don't want you going any places with him."

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. He, as well as his secret, is at Harry's mercy. Harry is the one who tells him what to do. No one else. Not even his mother.

"Did you hear me, Zayn?"

"But he's my... He's my friend." Zayn wants to throw up just thinking about what he's just uttered. Friends wouldn't treat each other the way Harry treats him.

"Have you kissed him?"

Zayn pauses. "Uh... what?"

Zayn heard her. He's playing dumb and it's obvious.

"You heard me. Have you kissed him?"

"No- no. I haven't."

"Have you let him touch you in any inappropriate way? Have you touched him in any inappropriate way? Have you two had sex? Have you even thought about it; talked about it; dreamed about it?" She's spitting questions out now and all of them hurt like piercing stakes in his chest.

"No, I can't take it! Please stop it!" She thinks he's telling her to stop because it's unthinkable and uncomfortable on his part. But really, Zayn doesn't want to think about what's already happened. He'll break down right here in front of her if he has to keep remembering those times he's been with Harry.

"Good. And you better not start doing it." she says sipping her coffee.


"Now, I'll be lenient and let you go places with Harry since you say he's just your friend. But hanging out with him better not change your mind about not liking him or kissing him even the slightest. Or you and all your twisted up hormones are out."

"Out? W-what d-do you m-mean?" He stutters, but she doesn't. Her words are as clear as the sun shining outside.

"You're out of this house."

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