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It's 5 o'clock.

No early. No later. And no excuses.

Harry looks at the abandoned warehouse and cringes at the thought of everything that's more than likely going to happen in here. Everything that happened to him with his dad.

"Zayn, are you ready to get out?" Harry asks as he squeezes Zayn's thigh.

"Where are we?" He replies weakly.

"I can't tell you. So don't ask."

"Harry. I can't see... It's just like last time... Everything's blurry... Harry I don't like when you drug me." Zayn continues to lie against the headrest, unable to take off his own seatbelt. So Harry takes it off as well as his own. Once they're off, he gets out of the car and walks around to Zayn's side. His heart is beating like crazy.

Zayn turns to the door when it opens and is startled when Harry lifts him out of the car so that he's carrying him. Zayn tries to wrap one of his arms around his neck but it's difficult to stay up, so it just falls back down.

Harry uses his back to bump into the door and close it, then shakily makes his way toward the warehouse. When he gets to the old warehouse door, he kicks it. He doesn't even have to wait 10 seconds before someone is answering the door. Standing there, is a man that seems to be in his very late thirties or really early forties. Harry has never learned his age but he knows this guy; knows where he lives.

"Harry has brought our prize, boys!" He yells. And Harry hears male voices in the background of those he doesn't recognize.

"Here's Zayn. What are you going to do with him?"

The man takes Zayn from him. "Why don't you come in and see?"

"No." Harry answers rather quickly. "Just... Just do what you told me you were going to do. No extras. Understand?"

"You're not gonna join in?"

"No. I-- I've got things to do."

"Sure, you do." The man puts Zayn down and lets him lean against him. "Here's your money." He takes a wad of money from his pocket and tries to give it to Harry.

"I don't want it. Just keep it."

"A freebie? Thanks." and he puts it back in his pocket. "What time do you want him back?"

"What time will you be finished?"

"How long does the medicine work?"

"It will last for about an hour and a half, then it will start to wear off."

The guy chuckles very nastily. "We'll just call you when we have finished then."

"Remember, no extras." Harry warns.

"We know what to do."

"Harry." Zayn calls and he reaches out for him.

"I have to go, Zayn. I'll be back later." And Harry turns away from him.

"No Harry take me... take me with you."

"You can't go with him." The man says. "You're gonna be here with us. We're gonna have a little fun."

"No. I don't want to."

"You don't have a choice." He closes the door and drags Zayn back through the warehouse. Zayn can't see where he is very clearly but he listens to the way the voices echo off the wall and he knows he isn't in a very large room. Neither is it small.

"This one looks like a good one." He hears.

"Yes, I know. Who would have thought Harry would get us something this good looking?"

"I can't wait to see him naked."

Zayn frowns. "What?"

The man holding him, suddenly pushes Zayn forward so that he goes face flat onto something soft.

Zayn feels it with his hands and he can see that it's white or cream. He makes it out to be a mattress.

Okay, where am I? Why the hell is there a mattress here?

Once Zayn is turned over and onto his back, he feels his shoe laces being undone. A minute later, his boots are coming off.

"What's going on?" Zayn asks. "Why are my shoes off?"

"Because it's hard to take all your clothes off if your shoes are still on."

Zayn's eyes go wide and when he feels the others crawling onto the mattress and over to him, he has a strange feeling as to what's about to happen to him. So he tries to avoid it by telling them, " Stop." But just like the first time when Harry drugged him, he is too weak to scream or panic.

The men grab hold of him, and all at once, they start to rip at his clothing. They pull down his pants and his underwear, tossing it to the side and they take off his jacket. They tear off his button up plaid shirt so swiftly and carelessly, that two buttons come loose from his shirt. As soon as he is naked, hands roam his body touching all the places they can reach.

"Please, no. Don't do this." Zayn weakly tries to move someone's hand but somebody swats it away and grabs his chin hard and forces Zayn to face him.

"Unfortunately, you can't tell us what to do. You're only sixteen and we're the adults, remember? So just lie there and try to enjoy it, because we sure as hell are."

The others laugh when the man slaps his cheek. Then for a few minutes, no one touches him. He knows why though. He can't make out their faces clearly, but he can see they are undressing and getting out of their own clothes.

"Get that long rag over there so I can tie his hands." Zayn hears. It's the voice of the guy who drug him in here and he is down in front of Zayn on his knees.

"I thought we were only going to tie his hands and stuff if the medicine wasn't as good as Harry said it was. Look at how weak this boy is. He can't hurt a fly."

"I don't give a fuck how weak he looks. I want to have some fun with him. Now... If you want to have fun as well, we have to make things interesting. We only have him for an hour and a half. Give me the rag like I asked, so I can tie his hands together."

Zayn sees the man get up and go over to a corner and when he comes back, his hands are quickly being tied together with some kind of long, thin, rag-like material. It's unfamiliar. And it also stinks.

"Good. That's all we will use. For now..." the man says breathlessly and he leans down and kisses Zayn's belly button. His lips feel hard, crusty, dirty. Zayn cringes.

"If I were you, I'd stop being so scared and just get ready Zayn. We have you for at least ninety minutes. At least."

"No." Zayn says as tears begin to fall from his eyes for the first time. "Where's... Where's Harry? Where did he go?"

"Harry isn't going to save you little boy. Don't forget. He is the one who brought you to us."

Zayn's whole body seemingly goes into shock at those words and for some reason, his conscience begins to kick in. He's remembering the things it told him, the things it warned him of and he's understanding that everything it was telling him was right all along. Harry cannot be trusted.

One of the guys who is at his head, takes Zayn's bound hands and pulls them back over his head so that they are touching the mattress. Two or three hands run over his chest and over his nipples and all Zayn does is close his eyes and except what's coming. It's really all he's able to do.

This is when he sees that everything he was only suspicious of in the beginning is now confirmed:

1) He knows what's about to happen to him.

and 2) Despite the fact that he's aware they are about to have their way with him sexually, there is nothing he can do about it.

HOLLOW » Zarry ✔⚠Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang