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"It's time to write down how you feel now, Harry." Dr. Kershman says. "Do you promise not to run out on me this time?"

He looks as if he's thinking about running again, but then he nods. "I promise."

She hands him the pen and the paper then sits back and waits for him to finish writing. It doesn't take long before he's handing the paper and pen back.

She reads what it says. "Good? Is that it. Could you care to elaborate?"

"No. Can we move on?"

Even though she doesn't want to, she detects the seriousness in his voice and she determines it's best she does so that he keeps his promise. "How's your foster dad? He hasn't been here in a while."

"He's fine."

"The Police Department hasn't been taking too much of his time away from you, has it?"

Harry growls. "Dr. Kershman, I really don't want to be here."

"I understand that, Harry but-"

"-I'm not answering another question. I'm just going to sit here and look at you like you're an idiot."

Well that's that. Harry's walls are up again. And that's how she knows the word he wrote on that paper is a lie.

Harry isn't good.




It's been 6 years since Harry's father was thrown in jail. And on that very day was when he was taken away from him and put in foster care.

He's been through four different Therapists, Dr. Kershman being the fourth one, simply because he's never gotten better and all of them eventually get tired of him not wanting to talk about what he's there for. It's not something Harry can really help though. He doesn't know how to start when it comes to that. He doesn't know how to tell someone how horrible he feels when he remembers those nights or days when his father would touch him. He hates it. He absolutely hates it.

The problem is, Harry shuts his feelings away from others when it comes to that. He just wants to pretend that nothing is wrong like he's always done. And he wants no one questioning him about something he's trying to hide. Not even his therapists.

"Nosy bitch." He mumbles to himself as he gets in his car for home.

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